Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Obama's nemesis is Bill Clinton

The one thing you have to give Bill Clinton is that the man is smart. I didn't vote for him and i hated his policies and the meddling of his wife, but I never doubted his intelligence. I believe Barack Obama would have been well served to have made the same observations. The New Party machine politics of Chicago may have derailed the Clinton's and gotten Obama elected, but that one trick pony won't work this time around.

 The American people are too battered and bruised by four years of Obama's failed Fabian socialism to buy into his lies again, but the mainstream media is still capable of obfuscating enough of his record to see him win a slim margin and that is what is truly frightening. I still see Obama 2012 bumper stickers, but I only see them on the vehicles of black people now. Those others  I saw four years ago on the feel good do the right thing crowd of racial appeasement politics have vanished. The same as their jobs and positions vanished over the past four years.

This time around their voting will not be governed or controlled by the touchy feely politics of race apologetics. They will vote based upon their misery and who is responsible for it. And Bill Clinton for one knows it. Read the entire piece, very interesting. The left is abandoning Obama in droves, which means a literal 'coup d'etat' may be in the offing for him to stay in office after November. Stay tuned

Bill Clinton has to be the smartest guy in the room even when he’s not in the room.
Clinton is not on Barack Obama’s campaign staff, is not a trusted adviser, does not set Obama’s strategy.
But Bill Clinton is pretty good at sabotaging Obama’s strategy.
He did so last week when he went on television and said Mitt Romney had a “sterling” record while running Bain Capital.
The Obama message is exactly the opposite. The Obama campaign had just run a TV ad claiming that working Americans had been harmed by Bain Capital and included one man saying Bain had been a “vampire” that “sucked the blood out of us.”
(Also on POLITICO: Clinton: Romney W.H.? 'Calamitous')
Whether you liked or hated the ad (I liked it), it attacked Romney on his strongest point: He is a good businessman who knows how to create jobs and, therefore, will be a good president.
But Bill Clinton did not like that ad.
“I think he had a good business career,” Clinton said of Romney and added that “a man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold.”

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