Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obama lectured by Putin

An interesting meeting. Putin came in and immediately asserted himself to Obama who he sees as week and no on the same level as he is. This was foreseeable in my opinion. the Russians no longer either fear or respect America. They know that we are weak and that our so called president can be 'managed' to bend to their will and desires.

They have already demonstrated that power with him over the last three years. Putin will only continue to press the advantage from here on in. Meanwhile, Obama is on to his 100th round of gold while his fiddle is being tuned back in Washington.

'The Two Men Barely Looked at Each Other'

8:12 AM, Jun 19, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

CBS reports that when Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin met with the press after their long private discussion, "The two men barely looked at each other. You could just feel, sort of, the tension between them. And the body language really represented how far apart the two leaders remain on the issue of Syria."

"It is clear that President Obama did not get an agreement from Russian president Putin [on Syria]," CBS reports.

"And interestingly," CBS adds, "Apparently President Obama got a bit of a lecture from Putin about some other failed transitions that are going on around the world."

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