Friday, July 27, 2012

Run! Hide! Fight! Survivie an Active Shooter.

In case you don't know what to do when a lunatic approaches   Here is a video produced by the Department of Homeland Security with some tips.

Run! Hide! Fight!

Nothing in the video about returning fire.  Nothing in the video about being armed and preparing yourself to not become a victim.

Not unlike what has happened in the aftermath of Columbine and a dozen other tragedies, the government's best advice always seems to be to run or cower and only as a last resort, to fight for your life.

In my opinion, fighting should always be the first option. If more people were armed and if more people took direct action, this lunacy would stop. These cowards only want to kill others, they don't want to die themselves.

As for me, I won't be running or hiding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch Burn Notice and learn what to do!