Sunday, October 22, 2017

My Sunday morning muse.....

My Sunday morning muse.....

Watching the media coverage of the past week, there has been nothing less than a feeding frenzy by leftist media attacking the president. There are those who could attempt to say that the president has suffered no worse treatment by the media than his predecessor, however, anyone who attempted to hoist that farce would immediately be challenged. Because we all know it is not true.

The media coverage of this president has for the most part been at the least 90% negative ever since he won the office, was sworn in and since. the leftist driven media in America, never misses an opportunity to attack or chastise the president at any opportunity.

The most recent example being, the four special forces Green Berets who were killed in the African country of Niger three weeks ago. Screams of "What were our troops doing in Niger!" and "Trump's Benghazi!" and "A Congressional Investigation Is Needed To Get answers!" Combined with the "What Did The President Know? And Did He Authorize This Mission?"

One of the things that never ceases to amaze me about the people of this county? Is that their memories and attention span is all but non existent. It literally cause me to wonder how some of these people can find their way home each day, absent a marked trail or a GPS smartphone.

What were we doing in Niger? What were our troops doing in Niger? Well let's see. Maybe we can come to some understanding by looking back at the previous administration. Where President Obama committed US military troops to the central African country of Chad? And then used the base that supposedly didn't exist? But at one point held over 1300 US troops? To launch and lead attacks into the neighboring country of the Central African Republic? In order to overthrown the existing dictator and replace him with a more Muslim based dictator. ;-)

Obama also deployed US troops to Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Did you know that our troops have been deployed to numerous African countries during the administration of Barack Obama? While he was pulling US troops out of Afghanistan? He as utilizing them to go into central African countries to aid and assist in the overthrow of existing governments. and to fight along side and train Islamic rebels, in their efforts to overthrow governments and replace them with Muslim led 1sharia based factions.

Here is a link if you are interested.

And another: from 2011
President Barack Obama informed Congress Friday that he’s deploying a force of 100 U.S. combat troops to Africa to help local forces take out the leader of a militant group accused of atrocities and terrorizing civilians, the White House announced Friday.
The U.S. contingent will aid local forces fighting Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan, Obama said in a letter to House and Senate leaders.

“Although the U.S. forces are combat equipped, they will only be providing information, advice and assistance to partner nation forces and they will not themselves engage LRA forces unless necessary for self-defense,” Obama wrote.

And what about Cameroon in 2015?:

The United States is sending up to 300 troops, along with surveillance drones, to Cameroon to bolster a West African effort to counter Nigeria's Boko Haram armed group.

In a letter to Congress on Wednesday, President Barack Obama said 90 military personnel began deploying to Cameroon on Monday ahead of the arrival of additional troops "to conduct airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations in the region".

If you want to research this issue on your own? Via the much vaunted search engine of Google? Be prepared to be disappointed. Google has literally cleansed all references to US troops in Africa from search results? Except for the four killed in Niger and references to Niger and what were we doing in Niger and the As I said, Americans have president's arrogant phone call to the widow. etc. etc. yada, yada, yada.

As I said, Americans have almost non existent attention span and memories. But I remember. Just as I remember that we have lost troops in central Africa on Obama's watch. But don't try and google those references or articles? Because all you will get are the current shitstir about Niger.

And what of the 31 US special forces and US Navy SEALS that we lost in Afghanistan? The same SEAL TEAM that took out Osama Bin Ladin? Their Chinook was shot down and all 31 aboard were killed. No calls for congressional investigations then. No questions about what were that many special forces operators doing aboard one aircraft? When as a rule? These units operate in groups of no more than six to twelve at the most. Oh! And one more thing. No word to this day? As to how the Afghan rebels were able to shoot this helicopter down with an RPG with just a lucky shot that just happened to score almost the entire SEAL TEAM that killed Bin Ladin. ;-)

And what of the casualties that have occurred in these Central African exploits begun by Obama? No mention of that this week either. Everything is completely focused on Trump and what he knew and when and why air support wasn't available and why support units weren't sent in. etc. etc. etc. Kind'a reminiscent of the questions that were asked about Benghazi? But no one in the Obama administration or the media wanted to pursue. Remember?

And last but not least? The largest portion of media coverage this week has been on the president's phone call and his supposed disrespect of the soldier's widow. By reportedly saying callously, that "he knew what he was getting into."

General Kelly cleared that up when he spoke to the media on Thursday. When he told them, that he had told the president what to say. Because the president had asked. And that he had told him to tell the widows and families, that their heroes died doing what they had wanted to do. that they knew what they were signing up for, but they went anyway. That the reality of death and being killed is always present, but these men and women serve and they go into harms way anyway. that was what the president told this widow and the other families. And these are the words that were taken out of context purposely, by the south Florida congresswoman who wants to make the president's phone call out to be arrogant and disrespectful.

I'm sorry, but the facts are those nasty little bits of information that jump up and expose these ass clowns for precisely who and what they truly are.

The president didn't know what the specific mission of these Green Berets was that day in Niger. These are issues that are left to the direct command of soldiers deployed in the field and around the world daily. General Kelly said it best when he said, that he was stunned at the actions of this congresswoman and her statements and that at times like those? He seeks to be in the presence and company of the greatest men and women this country has to offer.

At times like these, he goes to Arlington National Cemetery. Where he walks among the stones and he ponders the fact and the reality, than many of those buried there, are buried there because of him. Because he gave the orders that led to their deaths.

That my friends is the reality.

So while the media and the Sunday morning news programs once again attempt to gloss over the truth with their bovine squeeze and outright dodges of the truth and history of what has gone on in Africa prior to the death of these four honored souls. Just remember this. Its not about the politicos or the president, or whether he should have made phone calls. It is about four honored dead who gave their lives in support of the efforts of this country? To bring some semblance of civility to a continent of vagabonds and wanderers and despotic murdering bastards. Most of who are now being killed by Islamic inspired war against Christianity.

Friday, September 22, 2017

The RINO McCain Strikes Again.....

This is actually funny in a sick political way.  McCain betrays his old friend. Because? "His hatred for Trump and the working man takes precedence over his campaign promises."  Maybe someone needs to sponsor a bill to cancel his premium healthcare. The kind that he and the rest of congress gets, but everyone else is denied.

McCain Stabs Lindsey Graham In The Back

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., on Friday said he “cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham Cassidy proposal.

McCain is one of four Republican senators who have been undecided on the GOP healthcare overhaul, and his opposition dealt the bill’s chances a significant blow.
Also on Friday, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she is leaning toward voting NO on Graham Cassidy. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has already expressed his his opposition to the bill, which he said didn’t fully repeal the Affordable Care Act.

New Merchandise Available For Prime Members?

Looks like Amazon has been busted for selling the ingredients for Islamic terror.

Apparently, Amazon Is In The Bomb Making Business

The ingredients, which could make an IED like the one that killed 22 people at the Manchester Arena, were purchased by The Sun in a single order for £95.

When Smoking Guns Aren't Enough For American Media

There was a time when American 'journalist' would search for the smoking guns. And then utilize their discoveries and revelations to reveal the truth that was going on behind the curtains of government.  Not today.

The media has been provided a literal arsenal of smoking guns concerning the left and the democrats and the Obama administration in the last five years. And they absolutely refuse to pursue anything that remotely looks to be a potential negative to Obama or the left or the democrats.

Hilary's emails would have been enough to send the average politico to prison for life a generation ago.  Not to mention Debbie Wasserman Shultz's activities at the DNC. Or a host of other leftist operatives and current and former government employees.  Yet the band plays on and no one seems to pay any attention. 

If this had been the Bush administration snooping on Obama 9 years ago?  The entire Bush family would have been prosecuted or forced to leave the country.  

Was Samantha Power’s snooping political — or was she pursuing a BIGGER scandal?

“Unmasking is not a regular occurrence—and definitely not a weekly habit. It is rare, even at the National Security Council, and ought to be rarer still for a U.N. ambassador,” a former senior U.S. official said recently to the Washington Free Beacon. But Power used it again and again — even going so far as to seek the names of Trump associates just before his inauguration.

This woman unmasked several hundred Americans and in particular, she utilized unmasking as her favored practice right up until the president was inaugurated.  During and after last year's presidential campaign. 

Humor?  No, ... truth that you can't make up!
Kim Jung UN had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general. This snot-nosed twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership. He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon. So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea.
Oh nuts! I'm sorry...
I just remembered that we did the same thing.
We took an arrogant phony community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, never ran so much as an ice-cream stand, and made him Commander-in-Chief. A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States - Twice! So if you think North Koreans are stupid... I'm sorry I brought this up....never mind!

The NFL Is Beginning To Feel The Burn

I think its a little more involved than the optics of a half empty stadium last night. I think the fans are sick of this crap and they are sick of the crap from the players and their protests of supposed oppression and alleged racism. None of the bastards have ever been a slave or had anyone in their family who has been a slave.  Not in this country and not in the last 150 years at the least.  So all of these protests against oppression and police brutality and black lies matter?  Appear to be taking their toll on the corporate bottom line in the NFL

So the question that remains to be asked?  How long will the NFL endure their own self inflicted wounds. And will they recover at this point.  The millennials already don't like football.  Buying into the candy assed bovine squeeze that the media has been hustling about athletes with football related brain injuries. Which is dubious at the least in my opinion and life experience.  But as we all know, the truth matters little to the media or those who sop the media drool up like manna from heaven.

If head injuries and the allegations of CDE induced depression and anger filled rages are true?  Then how come the greats of the game?  Primarily the QB's and the receivers of old?  Aren't suffering from CDE related depression and anger outbursts?  You would think that the two positions that take the greatest physical hits?  Would be leading the numbers of those supposedly suffering from the CDE disorder.

And remember this.  The only way to diagnose this malady?  Is port mortem.  ;-)

NFL Stadium Half Empty For Thursday Night Game

This is not a great look for the NFL. TV ratings are already on the decline, and now people aren’t even going to the games.
The NFL is the crown jewel of American sports. It can’t be overstated how awful the optics of an empty stadium for a primetime game is.
NFL management needs to isolate the problem and fix it before things continue to spiral downward

Kim Is Aching To Have His Nation Anihilated.

North Korea Threatens To Detonate Nuclear Weapon Over Pacific
The little tin dick lunatic is now threatening to detonate a nuclear weapon over the Pacific.  In some non disclosed location.  The bottom line is this.  If he does, America's 7th fleet will launch an attack of annihilation against North Korea.  Count on it.  US Naval ships and our bombers from Guam will launch.  A provocation of that magnitude cannot and will not go unanswered.

In the past, thes little tin dicks have been allowed to saber rattle and as a result, previous administrations have placated them by responding with money and allowances that have only emboldened them to the present day.

The current president and his cabinet will not allow those actions or responses to continue.  And all that remains to be seen after that, is whether the Chinese or the Russians want to enter the game and make it a global holocaust.

End of World Broadcast Interupts Orange County California.

Interesting.  We received a similar broadcast alert Wednesday afternoon, but no audio with it on the TV.  Just the red alert bar across the bottom of a back screen.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Blog Is Ressurrected

I am resurrecting my blog as of today.  This is a blog I have had for several years.  I have posted to it several times over the past year, without much notice or any replies or discussion.  I am resurrecting it now?  As a place where I can voice my opinions and beliefs, absent the control and conflicts of dealing with Facebook and their intolerance of all things that do not agree with their rose colored world of the progressive left.

My account was suspended about 24 hours ago on FB. No reason or explanation was given and none has been provided since.  I have repeatedly requested them, to explain to me why my account was suspended. I have yet to receive a reply.  All that is indicated, is that my account has been disabled, when I try to sign into it. And if you attempt to find me from  other accounts, all that is shown is the bandaged thumbs up and a notice that the page has either been taken down or the link is broken.

Therefore, the thought police have pulled the plug on my account at FB.  But that's okay.  I have my blog and they cannot touch that and as far as the alternative account goes?  I will keep it for shits & giggles and to let my friends know what has happened to me and why.

As it stands, here is where I will be posting my commentaries and observations that some have come to acknowledge on my FB page.  So if you want to continue seeing or reading my musings, here is where you will need to come to read them.  I would appreciate it if you would hit the like button or comment if you do come by to visit this blog.  At least that way, I will know some folks are following. 


Sunday, August 13, 2017

America Suffered a Terrorist Attack Yesterday

If we are to believe the media, there is no question of that fact. A terrorist attack correlating to the methods and actions of ISIS, was perpetrated in Charlottesville Va. yesterday and three people are dead as a result.

Even though the individual in question and the individual under arrest, was only directly responsible for one of those deaths. Perhaps there needs to be a review of the twelve police officers who were shot and gunned down, five of which died in Dallas Texas July of 2016. Perhaps an examination of the past can lend context to the present perceptions of terrorism in America yesterday and today.
Keep in mind, at this point, all we know for sure about the individual arrested yesterday in Charlottesville, is what he reportedly did. And yes, I use the pronoun "reportedly" to address what was has occurred. Why? Because that's the assessment a fair and unbiased media always assigns to those arrested for heinous acts.

No one has determined or released the why of this individual's actions yet. When that is revealed? When his motives are released to the public? Then and only then can reasonably minded people, in the absence of a media fury to condemn anything that breeches their sensibilities of normalcy, be considered for its merits and the assigning of motive/s.

Meanwhile, when indisputable terrorist acts have occurred on foreign soil or here in America, the media most frequently remains coy and demur and asserts "we don't know what this attack represents." But not so yesterday. The mainstream American media immediately leaped to a conclusion and assertion, that this was a terrorist act and they have been calling it so ever since.
Be it on foreign soil or on our own, the media remains conflicted by their own bias when it comes to calling a spade a spade. As an observable practice, the media most often accuses those who have lashed out at the perversions of social order as terrorists. As opposed to those who immediately loft their support behind any political ideology or religious fanaticism. By definition a terrorist is: "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

Therefore, it seems rather simple to me, if any determination needs to be made of yesterdays attack on the crowd in Charlottesville? Did the young man in the car in Charlottesville yesterday have any political aims that he was attempting to further?

Or? Was he attempting to pursue and further any religious fanaticism? If so? He is rightly identified as a terrorist. If not? Perhaps once again the media is caught coloring and manipulating their reporting and observations, to meet their own desires and perceptions and political agendas.
Keep in mind, at this point, all we know for sure is what the young man under arrest reportedly did. No one has determined or released the why yet. When that is revealed? When his motives are released to the public? If he is in fact the perpetrator? Then and only then can reasonably minded people, in the absence of a media fury to condemn anything that breeches their sensibilities of normalcy, be considered for its merits of assigning motive or accusatory branding.

What I do know is this. Yesterday's marches and protests in Charlottesville Va. were planned and well publicized. The city, the mayor, the governor and all law enforcement agencies involved, were all on notice well in advance. And what were they aware of? Was a crime about to occur? No....
A protest was about to occur. A constitutionally protected protest. A protest by individuals not unlike any other individuals engaged in similar protests of the last five years. Yet there was going to be a different element to this protest wasn't there? This was not going to be a media favored protest. There weren't going to be celebrities present, or media color commentary from the sidelines in support of these intended actions yesterday.

The white nationalists and the white supremacists and the pseudo Klan members and the militia wannabes who intended to come and protest in Charlottesville yesterday had a unifying purpose that was shared. They intended to protest and defend against the intended destruction of a statue to General Robert E. Lee in that city and hence, the continued attacks on American history, and its agents in government, intent on erasing that history as they see it.

Now, choose your side and choose opinion on the issue as best it suits your beliefs, but the truth of reality about what occurred in Charlottesville yesterday was very predictable. Did those so identified above? Have a right to protest in Charlottesville yesterday? A constitutionally protected right to protest? They most certainly did. As did those who came to counter protest. And if both groups have a right to protest? Then why were their rights not observed and protected yesterday?

I came home and watched much of the media coverage and I viewed and reviewed several videos of the clashes between the two groups of protesters. And what I saw in each instance? Was an absence of the presence of law enforcement to intervene. What happened in Charlottesville yesterday was not America's first rodeo involving protests or potential violence between two groups. We as a nation have been down this path thousands of times. All across this nation over the last sixty years.
I and many others have worked as law enforcement buffers between Klan rallies and protests between the counter protestors here in Atlanta on dozens of occasions. We always kept the groups separated and there never was anything more aggravated that occurred than fowl language and the placards foisted.

But that was not the case in Charlottesville yesterday. I saw plenty of local police and state police after the fact in those videos of yesterday. But nowhere did I see law enforcement engaged and on the line to separate what can only best be described as two rabid elements of protestors intent on violence yesterday.

I believe we as observers, need to examine what happened yesterday in Charlottsville for what it represents in the context of what was allowed to happen. In every instance locally and nationally that I have been involved in over the last forty years, or I am familiar with occurring over the last two years in America?

Precautions have been taken. Specifically over the last two years, precautions have been taken to insure that weaponized vehicles would be denied access to large crowds of marchers or those engaged in parades or protests. Ever since those affiliated with ISIS, began to use weaponized vehicles in terrorism in Europe, agencies here in America have witnessed and responded to those threats and taken actions appropriate to prevent such occurrences here. Not so in Charlottesville yesterday.

In addition to that, in all previous incidents involving intended protests where the clash of opposing elements was imminently present, those involved in preserving the peace, brought in the necessary resources to insure that violence would be kept at bay and reduced to a bare minimum. Law enforcement was present as a buffer between the opposing elements and they were allowed to take actions appropriate to preserving the peace. I did not see that same preparation or actions yesterday in Charlottesville and if it was present, it was not deployed or utilized until after the fact.
What I saw as opposed to riot equipped police keeping protestors at bay and separate? Was riot equipped and helmeted protestors on both sides attacking each other for the media cameras. Including many of those equipped with their own improvised riot shields and bats and other weapons.
What could possibly go wrong with that.

One bystander who witnessed the vehicle that plowed into the crowd yesterday exclaimed: "And the police stood there and did nothing!" If the police were present in that intersection yesterday? They most certainly did nothing. The time to act was prior to the vehicle attack. Not after it. But the same could as easily be said of the videos of the clashes between protestors yesterday. I saw very little visible police presence once the opposing sides went after each other and I saw no police presence attempting to put a stop to it.

What we do know this morning? Is that a twenty year old man from Ohio is in custody. Charged as the driver of the steel grey Dodge Challenger that rammed the crowd on a side street, killing at least one pedestrian and injuring almost twenty others. What we don't know is his motive, his mind set or his affiliation with anything or anyone or any group involved in Charlottesville Va. yesterday.
But what I can say with certainty in my observations? Is that what happened in the streets of Charlottesville yesterday, between the two opposing factions and what occurred on the side street where the car rammed the people and vehicles killing one?

Was predictable.

Those elected to local and state offices and the police both locally and at the state level in Virginia, knew damn well what was about to happen in their city yesterday. They created the stage for it to occur via their pursuit and desire to deny and destroy history to further egalitarian socialism.
They had observed and witnessed same and similar violence in other jurisdictions in the past, and they knew that there would be protests of their actions locally in Charlottesville yesterday. Just as they knew and recognized that their would be counter protestors and violence if the two opposing groups were allowed to make contact. Yet they literally did nothing and allowed it to happen.
And it is my opinion, based upon the videos I have seen of the clashes between the two groups, the authorities without question, allowed and permitted the violence to occur. Just as those in other jurisdictions over the past three years, have allowed rioting and looting and burning and assaults on innocent people to occur unabated. In Ferguson and Baltimore and Baton Rouge and Dallas and elsewhere. Why? Because the police are no longer allowed to do their jobs. Period.

This is what happens when the police are not allowed to do their jobs America, chaos and terror reins. This is what happens when anarchy reins supreme and the media lathers up the crowds in preparation for covering their own bloody creations. This is what happens when social media is utilized to assemble hoards of anarchist and others to attack and assault the very foundations of our nation as a whole.

What happened in Charlottesville yesterday was a symptom of a larger growing disease in America today. A disease that has been created and fostered and allowed to grow over the past eight years. It is the disease of state permitted chaos and acceptable social tyranny of those who do not toe the egalitarian line. The people of this nation are and have been pitted against each other with a sole intended purpose of social, class and racial warfare and those purposes and motivations are beginning to reach fruition.

Wonder not what happened in Chancellorsville yesterday or why. Wonder only where it will occur next and how soon. Wonder only what the catalyst will be the next time. Wonder why those sworn to protect? Will be once again sidelined to allow anarchy to prevail.

We are proceeding down a dark passage my friends. A predictable pathway. A pathway I have seen forming and approaching for years. It is here now and short of a dramatic reversal of social policy and the rule of law? It will continue and it will only get worse.

In a world gone mad is where we exist today. How much worse could it possibly get... Wait, watch and see.

Time To Dust Off The Old Blog Again

Well, it looks like its time to dust off the old blog again.  Not because it matters to anyone other than me. Because it has never garnered much attention in the past. But at the least it gives me a place to vent.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Good morning. Good morning to whom I don't really know.  As I don't believe there is anyone who really follows or has followed this blog in a long time if ever.  I have shut down my facebook account as of last night.  I have finally tired of the day to day nothingness of the platform and all the endless gak that goes nowhere and produces nothing.

Social media has become nothing more than what it has always been.  It is no more than a means to pass around bullshit while dodging serious discussions and friendships. While being monitored by the powers that be. And while being added to lists by those who make lists. 

Hell's 1bells!  They have been and they are continuing to employ surveillance against the President of the United States for Heavens sake!  Who the hell am I or we, to think or believe that they are not nine miles up our asses and have been for years. 

Therefore, I may rejuvenate this blog for a few thoughts from day to day.  Or I may just use it as my own personal diary.  Or I may just STFU? And drop off their grid entirely.  Who knows.  Who really cares. 

Monday, March 06, 2017

The Ugly American

Anyone else remember the term "ugly American?"

An example of definition:

"Ugly American" is a pejorative term used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant, and ethnocentric behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home. Although the term is usually associated with or applied to travelers and tourists, it also applies to U.S. corporate businesses in the international arena." {Wikipedia}

I am of the opinion by observation? That the term ugly American has been relegated to the trash bin of societal history here in America. Why? Simple really. Other than actors and celebrities, I know of no one of American lineage who the term might remotely apply to in the present day. But that's just my definition of the term. Others look upon these same actors and celebrities as heroes and idols.
Back in the day? Back when the term was thrown around in a cavalier fashion, mostly by those same leftist celebrities and actors, America was known globally as a leader.

Our nation was known for standing up for our country and its exceptionalism and for intervening to defend others Those sentiments are long gone as far as I have seen over the last twenty five years. All we are known for now is being too stupid to stop the invasion and degradation of our own country. Primarily by Islam.

The powers that be (the European and American globalist) set about to destroy America's image and make it over into something more palatable to their socialist egalitarian idols in Europe thirty years ago. Right after Reagan left office. They have always wanted us to be more like the French.
The French have always seemed to be the mind's eye view of how society is supposed to look, according to the majority of these American egalitarians and socialists. And that is precisely the route they want to take us and have been taking us for a generation.

Everyone remembers France right? They have been largely a pacifist door mat for Europe and the rest of the world, ever since Napoleon was exiled to Elba. They have been the centerpiece of two world wars and the subsequent centerpiece of the post WWII Islamic invasion of Europe. And they will be the centerpiece of the next world war that begins in Europe. (and soon)
Nope, there are no more ugly Americans like there were in the old days. We have been taught our lesson. We have been socially branded and individually segregated into divided groups of the un-liked and the unwanted. Like those who cling to their bibles and their guns? Or those who are just a basket of deplorables?

We have been infused with self loathing and apologetic angst over our own perceived bigotry to the point? That most Americans traveling overseas nowadays, like to keep the fact that they are Americans a secret. For the record? Far too many Americans don't even want to be associated with being an American here in America. They want to be known as some hyphenated hybrid. Not because they are ugly or proud, but because the elitist of their own country will be ugly to them and worse if they so much as hint at American exceptionalism.

Political correctness long ago replaced values and pride and morals and religion in this country. Nowadays Americans immediately shy away from any social controversy, especially involving sex or religion or race. They accept the negative social branding of heterosexuality and Christianity and conservative values by the media and the entertainment industry. And they equally accept the attacks on their country and their fellow Americans by the egalitarians in media, government and academia. Why? Because to do anything less is to immediately place yourself into the sights of a targeting system designed to belittle, marginalize and demean anyone who opposes the popularized norms of egalitarianism.

Think about it. when was the last time you saw or read or heard of any American stopping and standing up for their own rights and their Country. Yes, there are a few, but mostly they are in the extreme minority and they are considered by those who report on their actions to be extremist or radicals. Or simply so old they just need to die. As Oprah Winfrey has suggested most old white people need to do.

I am not talking about members of organized radical groups of supremacist or the klan. I am talking about individuals who attempt to stand up for what is right and what used to be the very definition of being an American.

One such current example, is a 74 year old Vietnam veteran. Who is facing prison time for having the audacity of placing a 6 inch American flag on the fence of the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles. on Memorial Day.

Look closely at the man's face and read his story. Because he is the new face that represents an Ugly American in our present day enlightened age of egalitarianism. Who is this radical? He is a Vietnam veteran. A man who fought for and served this country. A man who had the audacity to stand up to defend the exceptionalism that he and other veterans fought for and bled for and died for fifty years ago. Now he is mocked by our government and prosecuted and held out as an example of what you had better not do, if you don't want to go to prison for being an ugly American.
Look close at the face of the new ugly American. Apparently, he is what an ugly American has become and what we truly should be ashamed of as a representation our country.

Army Veteran Faces Prison: LINK

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The American Media Then & Now

For those interested and for those concerned over the recent actions of American mainstream media. Specifically, the manufacturing of fake news by mainstream media, to attack and attempt to de-legitimize President Trump. The obvious absence of veracity of the personal attacks against President Trump; American populism and American exceptionalism, should be bothersome to most Americans. Please take the time to consider the following observations.

Consider these points. American exceptionalism was under attack the first day Barack Obama assumed office and it remained under attack for the duration of his two terms. The attacks against American values, American history and American heritage, not to mention the US Constitution, were nothing new or exclusive to the Obama administration. However, the fervor with which they were pursued by Obama with the aid of the American media, had never been seen before in my observation of history.

Barack Obama's actions were nothing less than complicit with the goals and ideologies of America's enemies. In particular the Islamist of the world who have been waging war against this country for the last forty years. Obama's sympathies to Islam were blatant, unabashed and palpable for the duration of his presidency. And the results of that complicity, is plainly visible in the history of the eight years of the Obama presidency. As it is evident in our lives today.

Sixteen years ago, America suffered the worst attack on this nation and its people, since the attack at Pearl Harbor in 1941. Yet what do we see occurring in America every day now. Aside from the bowing and scraping of our former president to Islam, we now see Islam and its followers elevated to positions of greater value and concern than our own people. Sixteen years after 9/11? We saw the Muslim call to prayer broadcast in Times Square this week and celebrated by the media. Diversity once again trumps American exceptionalism.

Barack Obama wasn't individually or exclusively responsible for the fundamental changes that he promised and brought to America during his presidency. Equally complicit and far more damaging to this nation, has been the complicity of the American mainstream media and those other elected representatives in both parties. Those representatives we entrusted with our nation and its future have betrayed us. But never so much as what Thomas Jefferson knew as the press.

Not since the days of the Vietnam war, when the American media first realized their power and influence in shaping American public opinion, have the institutions and principles of this nation suffered from such a prolonged and purposefully orchestrated attack on our values and culture as a nation.  If you do not believe that the American media is complicit with those intent on the destruction of this nation, then please take the time to read the following. I promise it will be an eye opener to those unfamiliar.

in 1995 the Wall Street Journal published an interview with retired Vietnamese General Bui Tin.  Here was a man who served on the general staff of the North Vietnamese army during the Vietnam war. In an exchange during that 1995 interview, the following exchange occurred between the Wall Street Journal reporter and Gen. Bui Tin:

Q: How did Hanoi intend to defeat the Americans?

A: By fighting a long war which would break their will to help South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh said, “We don’t need to win military victories, we only need to hit them until they give up and get out.”

Q: Was the American antiwar movement important to Hanoi’s victory?

A: It was essential to our strategy. Support for the war from our rear was completely secure while the American rear was vulnerable. Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement. Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses. We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us.

Q: Did the Politburo pay attention to these visits?

A: Keenly

Q: Why?

A: Those people represented the conscience of America. The conscience of America was part of its war-making capability, and we were turning that power in our favor. America lost because of its democracy; through dissent and protest it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win.

Q: What else?

A: We had the impression that American commanders had their hands tied by political factors. Your generals could never deploy a maximum force for greatest military effect.

Those are the words of a man who was there. He lived the war from the Vietnamese side and he both heard and saw the results of American media influence in that war. Influence that he related to the reporter as the overwhelming factor in deciding the outcome. Think about that and then think about the present day. Particularly, the present day American media. Do you think anything has changed with the American media approach since Vietnam? The American mainstream media remains at the center of all things anti American to this day, and they relish their ability to assert their version of what American values are and ought to be on a daily basis.

Never forget, the altruism of the American media? Has a devious and surreptitious purpose. And that purpose is to undermine this nation for the benefit of those who would destroy us.The American media long ago forfeited its mantle of responsibility to the American media. They abandoned their sacred duty and they sold this nation into the bonds of evil. 

Re-read the words of Gen. Bui Tin and think about then and now and ask yourself if anything has changed. And if so? For better or for worse for this nation. And had the American media influenced those changes?

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.

Consider the words of Thomas Jefferson as it concerned the press and what it should be.And what it should not be.

"The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure." --Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 1823.

So ask yourself.  Is the present American media truly a free press? Are they interested in keeping the waters pure?  Are they of the people and is their influence freely expressed on behalf of the people?  Or has their influence been morphed into an alien creation of politique and egalitarian controlled propaganda?

"The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe." --Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 1816.

Where the press is free?  Is the American press truly free?  Or is it a tainted, influenced and controlled entity that no longer resembles or represents freedom? 

And lastly:

"The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers... [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper." --Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785.

So the issue at hand is fake news.  And who is creating and controlling it.  I for one know that it is not being controlled by any single individual or despotic government.  It is however being controlled?  By a shadow government.  The same shadow government that saw Barack Obama elevated to the presidency. And the same shadow government that he now figures into as a primary leader.

Read about it for yourself and you decide. 

Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government

Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Headline Says Germans Exhausted Wtih Merkel

What makes these leftist organs of media think or believe different.  Just like with our own elections of last November, the leftist media in Europe, refuses to hustle anything but the meme, that Angela Merkel will easily cruise to re-election.

They should be asking themselves one question and apparently they now are. "Why in hell would the German people re-elect this woman?" After she has all but destroyed Germany as her compatriot Obama has done in America. 

The German people and the world fought a war 78 years ago?  Over the German's hatred of the Jews.  The Jews who had descended on Germany after WWI and did all in their power to disassociate themselves from the war ravaged and devastated German people, while attempting to capitalize on their misery. 

Is it any wonder that the hatred became palpable and an individual like Hitler answered their call.  If you look around today?  What is the difference between then and now?  The German people have been inundated with a thankless hoard of "refugees" from Muslim countries over the last five years. As have the Swedish and the Danes and most of Europe.

There will be a war. Count on it.  Only this time it will be a guerilla war. Door to door. house to house. Block to block. Because the enemy is within the gates. In my observation of history?  The failures of the 1920s and 1930s, were that the Jews who came to Germany did not seek to become Germans or assimilate. This is what caused the hatred and the anti-Semitic fervor and the Holocaust.

Those who fail to learn from history?  Are condemned to repeat it.  Or so they say.  After a seventy five year re-wind?  I say history is about to repeat itself and Angela Merkel and the others can thank themselves for the evil they have imported and unleashed upon their people.

There will be a war. An end times war. For it has been foretold and we are upon the threshold.

Merkel Might Lose After All

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Michael Flynn. The First To Fall. There Will Be More

Did you learn anything from the sudden forced resignation of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn... Maybe you should have. Maybe you should have learned? That there were two points of observation. First, that his demise was the result of a political assassination. An assassination orchestrated by the US intelligence community. Specifically, the NSA.

But more importantly? You should be aware now of how this all happened and how it all came to be revealed. It's pretty simple really. General Flynn was wiretapped. They wire tapped his phone calls from the minute his name surfaced in the Trump administration. And when they came across the phone call he had with the Russian ambassador to the Untied States? A phone call they obviously monitored and taped? They began raking through the conversation. They began looking for anything they could cherry pick. Anything that they could mine and weaponize to drive Flynn from office and make President Trump look bad. And they succeeded.

Wire tapping? Is that what I said? Yes it is. But that's illegal isn't it? Well I am glad you asked. Because as a matter of fact? It isn't illegal. Not for the NSA and the intelligence community at least. They can and have been wire tapping the entire country for a number of years. Every since the post 9/11 era and the creation of Homeland Security and the sundry Homeland Security and intelligence and legislative acts that have been passed Since then. Each act authorizing them to do more to disregard the constitution and and yes, allowing them to wire tap every conversation in this country since then.

How could that be? There are literally millions and millions of phone conversations in this country everyday! Not to mention the tens of millions of emails and social media posts? How in hell could they do that? It would be impossible! Right? Ever heard of computers? And Terabyte drives? And the scanning, skimming and sourcing of digital information? Or the myriad of bots that are intricately woven into every aspect of your turned on, connected and digital world?

Well I hate to break it to you, but yes. You too have been hacked and spied on and wired tapped and surveilled. Even this blog post will be viewed and catalogued and filed away. Just in case I ever attain any influence, political or otherwise where it could be utilized against me.

So yes. As Paul Harvey would say...."the rest of the story?" Is that General Flynn was taken down by his own words. Conveniently collected, via a national network of surreptitious spying on everyone. Everyone except the chosen elites of course. Like the shadow government our most recent president is now secretly leading in the background.

Shadow government? Oh! yes.... Its there and it was put into place before he ever left office. And so were the expanded powers of the NSA. Powers that allow them to spy on everyone and share the information amongst all of their sister agencies. They can spy on anybody. Including the president of the United States. Any of this becoming clearer yet?

Remember the phone calls to the Australian PM and the President of Mexico that President Trump made his second week in office? Remember how those private conversations were immediately leaked to the media? How'd that happen? Who had access to private presidential phone calls? Makes you wonder don't it? Who had the transcripts and how did they get them? Is the reality beginning to congeal yet?

See how the mechanism works? The mechanism left in place by the Obama administration and the globalist and their embedded moles in every department of the federal government and the media?

Want to drain the swamp President Trump? Well the slime and the amphibians and the feces generating parasites that exist there comfortably might have something to say about that. And they already have.

I made the observation that Hillary Clinton and the democrats must have learned one thing from the Wikileaks exposure. And that one thing is to never utilize emails again. Utilizing flash paper and couriers is about all there is left as far as security in today's world for anyone hoping to maintain any level of secrecy or privacy. And the thought of keeping records is absurd, except for these intelligence agencies who now gather and keep records on everything and everyone.

The democrats and the leftist and the globalist, have taken their own recent political scandals and injuries and awakening? To formulate and implement their new game plan to create and manage their shadow government against Donald Trump and all the chumps who supported him an voted for him.

William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar said: "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war". The dogs of war have been loosed. "Havoc" was a word used in the middle ages by French & English armies to give soldiers permission to loot & plunder. Make no mistake. Havoc has been cried and these dogs have been let loose on all of us. To loot and plunder our lives and our thoughts and our privacy.

But take heart. You and I are neither unique or special. This new war applies to one and all. And one in particular. And his name is Donald Trump. And if I were him? I'd hire the best counter surveillance experts in the world? And I would hold weekly staff and cabinet meetings at my own private kingdom. I'd fly them all down to Mar a Lago and I'd implement my own security? Security that would rival the Bilderbergs.

Because its only going to get more intense and more vicious as the days and weeks pass.

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn