So. What is causing "the uptick in gun violence in America today?" Got any clues? I do.
And? That question seems to be the big question on the lips of many of these socalled mayors, police chiefs, the media and social academics across America today.
And the answers to that question are being provided, by those who are attempting to drive a political agenda, more so than to find any realistic solution.
Absent any real understanding of the problem, or any real concern for that matter, as to what is really happening and why. Their one intent is to drive the politics of power and control over the people.
As for the answers and the solutions? To gun violence in America?
I will be glad to explain to any of them? In no uncertain terms? That the answers to these questions are a plain as the nose on their face.
Yet they continue to deny them and flee from the truth.
They simply do not want to admit to the truth. Because
To do so? Would explode and destroy the rest of their sociologist socialism, and its non stop streaming of socialist bullshit into the minds of Americans.
As the old country comedian Jerry Clower surmised thirty five years ago? When confronted by a head line in the New Your Times?
"Why Can't Johnny Read?"
Clower gave all of the reasons why Johnny couldn't read, but ended with one simple and prescient truth. Lack of desire for achievement , lack of goals, lack of parenting.
Clower put it plain and simple.
"Johnny can't read? Because Johnny don't want too! And nobody is making him!"
And the one thing Jerry Clower emphasised? Was that the reason American children were failing in schools? Had absolutely nothing to do with lack of opportunity.
And he was right.
It has been over thirty five years ago since Jerry Clower's truth's were spoken. And there have been many who have followed him, attempting to shine light into the same dark places of American education and culture.
The dark places where the truth exists, covered over with the lies.
And the only thing that has changed since then? Is that the reality of Jerry Clower's statement has only gotten worse.
Johnny can't read? Because Johnny don't want too. And nobody is making him.
And you can extrapolate that one prescient reality, out across the entire spectrum of the present societal problems in America today. And the answer comes back the same every time.
We have literally spent billions on education in America on education In the last forty years.
K thru 12 daycare and meal programs . We put computers in every class room, then we issued ipads to most every student. And what have we seen in return for those investments?
Nothing but the steady decline in test scores and those graduating highshool? We are graduating those who not only have no abilities at a college level? But those that can barely function in day to day life.
How many stories of cashiers have you heard of and personally experienced? From burger restaurants to clothing stores to you name it? Where those employes there? Cannot even make simple change for a purchase in cash. Absent a computerized cash register doing the math for them.
And these are the same people demanding $15 an hour and a so called livable wage. Yet they have no skills to earn that wage. And they don't want any. Because that entails work.
Simple math. And they still
can't do it. Adding, subtracting, multiplying. On basic everyday issues? And they can't do it.
So I am guessing? They must have long since done away with algebra in the schools.
Add to that? The fact that the promiscuous thinking of thirty five and forty years ago, as it concerned education and personal responsibility? Has metastasized and infected every aspect and every issue of our lives to day.
Thirty five and forty years ago? Is when America began falling behind educationally, compared to the world. Or as my grandmother would have said:
"That's when the USA began suckling hind teat."
And we don't have years or decades to catch up. The rest of the world is in the fast lanes of education, and we are in the handicapped parking.
So what does all of that have to do with the reasons for the uptick in gun violence you may be asking?
Very simple.
It is about personal responsibility, personal accountability and consequences of actions.
And absent those three elements? Elements basically taught and reinforced for generations in America's schools?
Then you have the crime and violence problems that we are facing daily in America.
Why the gun violence upticks?
Is that because of the easy availability of guns?
Well let is examine that premise shall we. Are guns easy to get in America? And the answer to that question is two fold.
Firstly? Guns are not easy to obtain if you are a law abiding citizen. They are expensive? And you have to pass a background check to purchase any firearm.
However? If you are one of the millions presently inhabiting this country? Where the rules and the laws don't really apply to you? Like the criminals and the thugs of particular classes and cultures?
Guns are very easy to obtain.
You simply steal them.
Either from a retail store? Or from the homes and cars of those who own them legally.
I posted a report last week, where 845 guns had been stolen from cars in Atlanta alone, so far this year.
That is 845 guns? Handguns? That are now in the streets and in the hands of criminals.
How many more were stolen nationally. I would hazard a guess in the range of 10,000 or more stolen nationally in the same period of time.
So what is the answer? What is the solution. Do we need more stringent gun control laws?
Do we need more extensive background checks?
Do we need gun registration and or gun confiscation? Of the guns currently owned by law abiding citizens?
Are those the answers? If you listen to the talking heads of media and their so called analysts and pre-Madonna academics and politicians.
Those are the only answers.
But once again? They purposely overlook the obvious.
I literally laugh when I hear Dr Anthony Fauci chastising anyone who he says is not following the scientific data.
He is one of those pre-Madonnas and the media love him.
Yet? Let one of any number of individuals like Candice Owens or a myriad of others, put their credentials and data on the table concerning race or violence? As it concerns crime, gun violence and those responsible for it?
And the issue suddenly turns to racism. You are a racist! For even bring up the "data."
But the data doesn't lie.
Over half of the crime in America is committed by less than 6% of the population. And so are over 70% of the homicides.
Yet no one wants to address that data. No one wants to admit that their is a culture afoot in this nation responsible for those levels of crime and gun violence ?
These are the individuals that seek no apologies. They only seek to further their own desires. And those desires are to take what they want and the remainder of America?
Can kiss their asses.
Because they posess the Kryptonite of all defenses.
If you challenge them? They will tell you that they have been unjustly deprived of success. That they have unjustly been deprived of equality. That they have unjustly become victims of the system.
And lastly and most importantly? Their inability to thrive and succeed in American society? Is due to to one reason and one reason only. Systemic racism.
And don't bother to ask them about personal responsibility or personal accountability. And don't bother to show them the examples of those of their own culture, who have thrived and succeeded? Because they played by the rules and obeyed the law.
They do not want to hear that.
And their counter offer? Is to assert that reparations are owed and absent those racial reparations? We as a nation can expect more of the same conduct from them as a culture.
Because that is what is being taught in our schools today. That is what is being hustled in corporate board rooms. And why?
Because of the shear terror of being called a racist.
If you are a member of the chosen class and the chosen culture? Your failures and denials of reality are excused. You are give a hall pass for society at large.
And there is always a gaggle of so called sociologists and academic criminalogists and the media? And their politicians?
More than ready to offer up a plethora of unsubstantiated allegations of racism, to support and defend those actions of particular classes and cultures.
So. Is there a gun violence problem in America today? You are damn right there is. And anyone with half a mind and the ability to read and sift through the bullshit we are given as media journalism knows it.
As they know precisely who in the majority? As a minority? Are reaponsible for the overwhelming amounts of crime and gun violence in America today and historically .
14 shot in Austin Texas Saturday. By who.
Another 9 shot in Savannah Georgia Saturday. By who.
And the same shooter left there
And drove to Pheonix City Alabama and then onto Columbus Georgia and shot 4-5 more people on Saturday.
Who were those persons?
What were their motivations? Were they someone who is a law abiding citizen? Someone who obtained and used a firearm legally?
What about in another two dozen American cities this week and this weekend.
How many were shot there and killed. In Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Boston, Richmond, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans, Columbus, Cincinatti, Minneapolis, Dallas, Houston, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Just to name a few.
Are these all shootings and homicides reflective of systemic racism? And the ease of law abiding citizens to go on shooting rampages?
Or are they symptomatic of a larger systemic reality in America today.
The systemic reality that yes? We have a race problem
In America? But it is not what we have been being told. It is not what we have been led to believe by a complicit media.
It is due to a systemic race problem that begins in our schools and at home. Whatever home there may be. But as it concerns one specific culture in America today?
Once again the data reflects the truth. Over 70% of the families of a particular culture? Are single parent homes. There is no father figure in those homes and there never has been.
Why? Because the government pays them not to have fathers in the household.
The only male figures in those homes? Are seen on atheltic fields, or listened to in rap music.
The Bible says? Train a child up.
Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
So. Do we have a gun violence problem in America today? You are damn right we do. And anyone short of a blinkered fool knows who and what is responsible for it.
We are and have been training up segments and cultures of our society, to believe that the world owes them everything. And the reason the world owes them everything, is due to systemic racism.
And payback and reparations are due. And if they are not freely given? They will be taken.
So? Govern yourselves accordingly, but know the truth. The problems in America today? Be they gun violence or crime, or abandoned families? Are not due to systemic racism. Or the lack of critical race theory.
Because the only critical race theory afoot and being proven daily in America today? Is the critical race theory that one culture deserves special dispensations. Including the ability to prey on other cultures unabated.
And that ability is granted and given by our elected officials and teachers and the media. And those in the media, reinforce those socialIst concepts daily.