General Boykin encouraged to withdraw.
The U.S. Military Academy pressured a retired U.S. lieutenant general to withdraw from speaking at a West Point prayer breakfast after Muslims and atheists complained, Fox News & Commentary has learned.
Retired Lt. Gen. William Boykin was scheduled to deliver a speech at West Point on Feb. 8. But late Monday, the military academy released a statement saying he had decided to withdraw from speaking and would be replaced with another speaker.
However, a source close to the controversy told Fox News & Commentary that Boykin was pressured to withdraw.
“It was very clear they wanted General Boykin to withdraw,” said the source who asked not to be identified. “He asked them to rescind the invitation, but they were reluctant to do that so he said he would take them off the hook.”
Theresa Brinkerhoff, a spokesperson for West Point, told Fox News & Commentary that the U.S. Military Academy “did not decide this for him.”
“After a conversation with our chaplain, Lt. Gen. Boykin decided to withdraw,” Brinkerhoff wrote in an email.
Boykin, a former senior military intelligence officer, had been criticized for speeches he made at evangelical Christian churches where he said that American’s enemy is Satan, that God had put President Bush in the White House and that a Muslim Somali warlord was an idol-worshipper.
Scroll the page, there is plenty here of interest. These are my thoughts, commentaries and observations on the times we live in. Discussion requires commentary. So please feel free to comment. There are also check boxes for Interesting, Funny & Cool AKA "Prime's Worm Hole," formerly "The Borg Conspiracy"
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
We'll bave none of that here!
Score another victory for secular egalitarianism and the cultural onslaught of America. A retired Lieutenant General is forced to withdraw from a speaking engagement at West Point? Because he is a Christian? Yeppers....... And it was the Muslims and Atheist who made the call.
Carney dodges the question (once again)
The Obama administration continues to refuse to distance itself from the "Occupy Movement." At least nine people have died and two have recently been murdered as a result of those involved in this movement. Millions of dollars in public safety money has been expended dealing with them as has millions of dollars in public clean up funds.
Yet they continue to get a pass from this adminsitration.
Michelle Malkin is for Santorum
In a sad testament to the realities of contemporary American presidential politics, Rick Santorum has been pushed to the way side by the big boars in the pen. I agree with most of what Michelle Malkin is saying here about Santorum, but the problem is, Santorum would literally have to pull a rabbit out of a hat in Florida today to become relevant as a lead candidate for the GOP nomination.
Then provided he did pull off a victory today? Imagine the onslaught of angst and vitriol that the American media would launch at him over his religious values. Stay tuned. Romney may very well wrap it all up today in Florida. I am sure that the mainstream media will be first to report that good news just as soon as they believe that they can get away with it.
Then provided he did pull off a victory today? Imagine the onslaught of angst and vitriol that the American media would launch at him over his religious values. Stay tuned. Romney may very well wrap it all up today in Florida. I am sure that the mainstream media will be first to report that good news just as soon as they believe that they can get away with it.
For Santorum
By Michelle Malkin • January 30, 2012 08:24 AM
Rick Santorum opposed TARP.
He didn’t cave when Chicken Littles in Washington invoked a manufactured crisis in 2008. He didn’t follow the pro-bailout GOP crowd — including Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich — and he didn’t have to obfuscate or rationalize his position then or now, like Rick Perry and Herman Cain did. He also opposed the auto bailout, Freddie and Fannie bailout, and porkulus bills.
Santorum opposed individual health care mandates — clearly and forcefully — as far back as his 1994 U.S. Senate run. He has launched the most cogent, forceful fusillade against both Romney and Gingrich for their muddied, pro-individual health care mandate waters.
He voted against cap and trade in 2003, voted yes to drilling in ANWR, and unlike Romney and Gingrich, Santorum has never dabbled with eco-radicals like John Holdren, Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi. He hasn’t written any “Contracts with the Earth.”
Santorum is strong on border security, national security, and defense. Mitt the Flip-Flopper and Open Borders-Pandering Newt have been far less trustworthy on immigration enforcement.
Santorum is an eloquent spokesperson for the culture of life. He has been savaged and ridiculed by leftist elites for upholding traditional family values — not just in word, but in deed.
He won Iowa through hard work and competent campaign management. Santorum has improved in every GOP debate and gave his strongest performance last week in Florida, wherein he both dismantled Romneycare and popped the Newt bubble by directly challenging the front-runners’ character and candor without resorting to their petty tactics.
He rose above the fray by sticking to issues.
Most commendably, he refused to join Gingrich and Perry in indulging in the contemptible Occupier rhetoric against Romney. Character and honor matter. Santorum has it.
Of course, Santorum is not perfect. As I’ve said all along, every election cycle is a Pageant of the Imperfects. He lost his Senate re-election bid in 2006, an abysmal year for conservatives. He was a go-along, get-along Big Government Republican in the Bush era. He supported No Child Left Behind, the prescription drug benefit entitlement, steel tariffs, and earmarks and outraged us movement conservatives by endorsing RINO Arlen Specter over stalwart conservative Pat Toomey.
I have no illusions about Rick Santorum. I wish he were as rock-solid on core economic issues as Ron Paul.
And I wish Ron Paul was not the far-out, Alex Jones-panderer on foreign policy, defense, and national security that he is.
If Ron Paul talked more like his son, Rand Paul, about the need for common-sense profiling of jihadists at our State Department consular offices overseas and if he talked more about the need for strengthened visa screening and airport security scrutiny of international flight manifests, I might have more than a kernel of confidence that he would take post-9/11 precautions to guard against jihadi threats and protect us from our enemies foreign and domestic. But he doesn’t, so I can’t support Ron Paul.
Mitt Romney has the backing of many solid conservatives whom I will always hold in high esteem — including Kansas Secretary of State and immigration enforcement stalwart Kris Kobach, former U.N. ambassacor John Bolton, and GOP Govs. Nikki Haley and Bob McDonnell. With such conservative advisers in his camp, Romney would be better than Obama. And a GOP Congress with a staunch Tea Party-backed contingent of fresh-blood leaders in the House and Senate will help keep any GOP president in line. Romney’s private-sector experience and achievements are the best things he’s got going. Only recently has he risen to defend himself effectively. But between his health care debacle, eco-nitwittery, and expedient and unconvincing political metamorphosis, Mitt Romney had way too much ideological baggage for me in 2008 to earn an endorsement — and it still hasn’t changed for me in 2012.
Then there’s Newt, who has long made a career out of trashing progressive Saul Alinsky while employing his tactics at every turn. I’ve been making this point for years and have chronicled his dalliances with leftists as long as anyone in the conservative blogosphere.
Many grass-roots conservatives were awakened to Newt’s double-talk and double-dealing during the NY-23 race. Inconvenient truth: Newt’s transgressions are not from decades ago. It’s not ancient history. It’s here and now. Readers of this blog know the truth: It’s not just “the GOP establishment” that’s repulsed by Gingrich’s combination of moral baggage and K Street/Beltway culture of corruption. It’s the very grass-roots that Gingrich’s cheerleaders purport to represent.
Monday, January 30, 2012
According to George Soros? Obama and Romney are the same
If this doesn't tell you what the deal is with Mitt Romney? I don't know what does. When the biggest anti American anti capitalist on the planet tells you that there isn't a dimes worth of difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the American people had better listen.
Obama says a 9 trillion dollar deficit is unpatriotic
Well, at least it was back when it was only nine trillion and George Bush was responsible for four trillion of that over eight years. Now that the deficit is 16 trillion? Seven trillion of that in the last three years under Obama's tutelage? Mums the word...
"I think any good mother would."
You have to see and hear this to believe it. From a talk show in the UK, but clearly an example of secular egalitarian progressive thinking in my opinion.
They call him Flipper!
If you are seriously concerned about Mitt Romney's commitment to conservatism and whether or not he is a conservative republican, or just an interloping liberal/moderate who happens to periodically embrace conservatism? Watch this.
The media remains in Obama's camp
Compliments of the Gateway Pundit.
That is right, the minions of media, those dweebs that hang on every word of reality television, they have decided that president Obama isn't so bad after all. His polices may have failed, he may have caused more misery than Jimmy Carter ever dreamed of, but all in all he is a likeable guy who deserves another four years.
Never have we seen the vitriol like was the norm against George W. Bush. The in the bag liberal media simply ignores the realities while continuing to hype the liberal line and the lemings of America sop it up like manna from Heaven.
Give this man another four years and he will complete the mission of destroying this nation permanently.
That is right, the minions of media, those dweebs that hang on every word of reality television, they have decided that president Obama isn't so bad after all. His polices may have failed, he may have caused more misery than Jimmy Carter ever dreamed of, but all in all he is a likeable guy who deserves another four years.
Never have we seen the vitriol like was the norm against George W. Bush. The in the bag liberal media simply ignores the realities while continuing to hype the liberal line and the lemings of America sop it up like manna from Heaven.
Give this man another four years and he will complete the mission of destroying this nation permanently.
Reelect Failed President Barack Obama
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, January 30, 2012, 4:50 AM
Barack Obama is the worst jobs president since the Great Depression. Obama is the the first president ever to lose 1,000,000 jobs during a recovery. The housing market just experienced its worst year ever in 2011 during the so-called recovery. Today over 46,000,000 million Americans are on food stamps (another Obama record!) more than ever before and the number is still climbing.
(More Obama statistics here)
But facts be damned… And country be damned.
The media is ready to mislead Americans in order to get Barack Obama reelected.
Despite his atrocious record and failed leadership AFP cheerleader Stephen Collinson sees favorable political winds for Obama.
For once, Barack Obama is behaving like a president with the wind at his back, rather than one taking the full force of a political gale in the face.My word, they’re even praising Obama for threatening Governor Jan Brewer on the Phoenix tarmac.
Rising poll numbers, favorable economic data and a Republican primary race that has torn holes in the electability argument of his most likely Republican foe Mitt Romney, have combined to put a new spring in Obama’s step.
And a daring raid by Navy SEALS to rescue an American aid worker and a Danish colleague from Somali pirates last week further enhanced the commander-in-chief resume on which he will run hard in November.
“Four more years” chanted a supporter at a raucous rally in Michigan on Friday. “Ok,” Obama replied in a brash show of confidence.
Asked last week by an ABC News anchor how much he wanted to win reelection after a crisis-strewn three years in power, the ultra-competitive president replied “badly.”
And showing new disdain for his political foes, Obama publicly ticked off Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer on an airport taxiway last week — in full view of the press.
They aren’t even hiding their bias anymore.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Fred Thompson calls it...
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
"Get The Hell Out Of The USA"
Actually? Allan West told Obama, Reid and Pelosi to take their trash and get the hell out of America with it. Semper Fi Rep. West
Allen West Tells Liberal Leaders To "Get The Hell Out Of The USA"
"Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America," Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said at the Palm Beach County Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner. West represents the district in the U.S. Congress.
It's not about winning anymore
Compliments of The Gateway Pundit Page
Romney Staffer: It’s Not About Winning Anymore, It’s About Destroying Newt Gingrich
Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, January 29, 2012, 3:47 PM
The Romney campaign admits that their latest strategy is not just to win but to destroy Newt Gingrich.
Buzzfeed reported:
Buzzfeed reported:
Mitt Romney’s goal in Florida is no longer just winning.
After Gingrich Newt scored a surprise blow-out victory in South Carolina last week, the former Massachusetts governor not only unleashed a political broadside of epic proportions.
“It not about winning here anymore,” one Romney staffer told BuzzFeed. “It’s about destroying Gingrich — and it’s working.”
After two standout debate performances that put him up 9 points in recent polls, Romney is keeping the pressure on Gingrich, looking to score a blow-out victory of his own here.
To that end, Romney has rolled out a team of surrogates in the Sunshine State to take the fight to Gingrich in person: from Connie Mack (III) and Connie Mack (IV), to Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Sen. John McCain. Romney has also aired a controversial ad featuring Tom Brokaw announcing that Gingrich had been sanctioned by the House.
Today both Macks took the stage before Romney to attack Gingrich’s character, proclaiming that he has a “checkered past with ethics and honesty.”
The Ice Cometh
We aren't hearing too much about this report on our side of the Atlantic. Too many research grants hanging in the balance here for our scientists to tell the truth about what their science has told them. They know what is happening and they know that this bunkum about global warming is nothing more than a vehicle for environmental extremists (AKA anti capitalist anarchist) to bring down America and the west.
They are using Saul Alinski's plan to a fault and the people of this country don't have sense enough to see it. With the downfall of the Iron curtain and the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, most would like to believe that the battles were won.
Those battles were won. The problem is that the adversaries of freedom and this democratic republic didn't go away. Their war against freedom rages on. They simply shifted their attack and emphasis from outright communism to the environmental movement and subliminal anarchy . When Hell literally freezes over, these same minions of the grail of Alinski and others will still be selling sun screen and carbon futures and telling us all that we are all doomed to drown in a rising sea of melting ice caps and rising sea levels.
Mean while? I'll be investing in winter coat and glove futures and fire wood and the things that will keep me warm.
They are using Saul Alinski's plan to a fault and the people of this country don't have sense enough to see it. With the downfall of the Iron curtain and the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, most would like to believe that the battles were won.
Those battles were won. The problem is that the adversaries of freedom and this democratic republic didn't go away. Their war against freedom rages on. They simply shifted their attack and emphasis from outright communism to the environmental movement and subliminal anarchy . When Hell literally freezes over, these same minions of the grail of Alinski and others will still be selling sun screen and carbon futures and telling us all that we are all doomed to drown in a rising sea of melting ice caps and rising sea levels.
Mean while? I'll be investing in winter coat and glove futures and fire wood and the things that will keep me warm.
According to an article published in today's Daily Mail (UK)
The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.
The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.
Meanwhile, leading climate scientists yesterday told The Mail on Sunday that, after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century, the sun is now heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers, bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food.
A painting, dated 1684, by Abraham Hondius depicts one of many frost fairs on the River Thames during the mini ice age
Solar output goes through 11-year cycles, with high numbers of sunspots seen at their peak.
We are now at what should be the peak of what scientists call ‘Cycle 24’ – which is why last week’s solar storm resulted in sightings of the aurora borealis further south than usual. But sunspot numbers are running at less than half those seen during cycle peaks in the 20th Century.
Analysis by experts at NASA and the University of Arizona – derived from magnetic-field measurements 120,000 miles beneath the sun’s surface – suggest that Cycle 25, whose peak is due in 2022, will be a great deal weaker still.
Read more:
Herman Cain Supports Gingrich
Having trouble figuring out who you want to support as the next president of the United States. If you are reading this blog, then it is assumed that you have already decided that tou won't be supporting Barack Obama come the general election. So who do you like.
Rick Santorum has an evangelical following and he is an articulate and likeable guy, so if your religious faith is solely your determining factor, then Santorum is your guy. If withdrawal from the world stage and isolationism appeals to you, then by all means pull the lever for Ron Paul.Paul wants to see America behind walls. If you don't really want to be bothered by making your own choice and you are content to take to one size fits all party pick candidate, then Mitt Romney is obviously the man for you.
If none of those candidates flip your switch or float your boat, Newt Gingrich is the man left standing. He isn't pretty and he he is the present target of everyone from the media to his own party elite. Therefore, in my mind? There must be some reasoning that he is fighting on all fronts right now while all the others are getting a pass. Herman Cain decided who he is supporting last night. You still have until November. Choose wisely.
Rick Santorum has an evangelical following and he is an articulate and likeable guy, so if your religious faith is solely your determining factor, then Santorum is your guy. If withdrawal from the world stage and isolationism appeals to you, then by all means pull the lever for Ron Paul.Paul wants to see America behind walls. If you don't really want to be bothered by making your own choice and you are content to take to one size fits all party pick candidate, then Mitt Romney is obviously the man for you.
If none of those candidates flip your switch or float your boat, Newt Gingrich is the man left standing. He isn't pretty and he he is the present target of everyone from the media to his own party elite. Therefore, in my mind? There must be some reasoning that he is fighting on all fronts right now while all the others are getting a pass. Herman Cain decided who he is supporting last night. You still have until November. Choose wisely.
Former presidential hopeful Herman Cain threw his support behind Newt Gingrich Saturday night, providing the former House speaker with a late boost just days before Florida's primary.
Cain, a tea party favorite, endorsed his fellow Georgian at a GOP fundraiser Saturday calling him "a patriot." "Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas," Cain said.The former pizza executive, who left the race before the first nominating contests after facing accusations of unwanted sexual advances, suggested the two have both undergone intense scrutiny.
"I know that Speaker Gingrich is running for president and going through this sausage grinder," Cain said. "I know what this sausage grinder is all about."Cain is set to campaign with Gingrich on Monday in an 11th hour push for support. Gingrich is in a fierce fight for Tuesday's Florida's GOP primary with Mitt Romney.Gingrich on Saturday night said that, like Cain, he is running a campaign based on big ideas and bold solutions.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Don't use my name: Says Tom Brokaw
This is really pretty funny when you think about it. It's OK for the media elite to slam and dunk and say whatever they like about anyone. Just don't try and use their template to further your own campaign. Priceless......
NBC, Brokaw denounce Romney ad
NBC, Brokaw denounce Romney ad
Reid Epstein, NBC News and Tom Brokaw are loudly objecting to the Mitt Romney campaign's use of footage from the 1990s in an ad blasting Newt Gingrich over his House ethics charges.
Brokaw, whose statement noted he was speaking on his behalf, said, "I am extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of my personal image in this political ad. I do no want my role as a journalist compromised for political gain by any campaign."
"The NBC Legal Department has written a letter to the campaign asking for the removal of all NBC News material from their campaign ads," NBC News said in a statement, which added, "Similar requests have gone out to other campaigns that have inappropriately used Nightly News, Meet the Press, Today and MSNBC material."
Common sense gone wild again
Once again, secular egalitarianism trumps common sense and victimizes another child. This time it happened in Hercules California.
Six year old suspended for sexual battery
Six year old suspended for sexual battery
An East Bay dad claims a game of tag on the playground resulted in his 6-year-old son being accused of sexual assault – a decision he said was an overreaction by school officials.
The parent, who asked only to be identified as Oswin, said his son was accused of brushing his best friend’s leg or groin while the two were playing on the playground at Lupine Hills Elementary in Hercules two months ago.
Oswin said his child was kept in the principal’s office for two hours until he confessed. He was suspended, and a sexual battery charge was placed on his permanent school record.
“To me, I think it’s an overreaction,” said Marilyn Cheeks, a Lupine Hills Elementary parent
Legally, there’s no such thing as sexual assault for a six year-old in California.
It wasn’t until Oswin and his wife got a lawyer that the school backed off. District officials declined to discuss specifics. They did confirm that an investigation was conducted, and that the child could not be charged with sexual battery. The claim was removed from the boy’s record.
Oswin’s son is attending another school now. He said he only hopes no one else will have to go through what his family did.
(Copyright 2012 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)
Friday, January 27, 2012
Sarah Palin's take on the politics of cannibalism
There are many who don't care for Sarah Palin, but the woman has the right take on what is taking place in the republican party concerning their attacks against Newt Gingrich
From Sarah Palin's Facebook page today.
Cannibals in GOP Establishment Employ Tactics of the Left
by Sarah Palin on Friday, January 27, 2012 at 5:57pm
We will look back on this week and realize that something changed. I have given numerous interviews wherein I espoused the benefits of thorough vetting during aggressive contested primary elections, but this week’s tactics aren’t what I meant. Those who claim allegiance to Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment should stop and think about where we are today. Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater, the fathers of the modern conservative movement, would be ashamed of us in this primary. Let me make clear that I have no problem with the routine rough and tumble of a heated campaign. As I said at the first Tea Party convention two years ago, I am in favor of contested primaries and healthy, pointed debate. They help focus candidates and the electorate. I have fought in tough and heated contested primaries myself. But what we have seen in Florida this week is beyond the pale. It was unprecedented in GOP primaries. I’ve seen it before – heck, I lived it before – but not in a GOP primary race.
I am sadly too familiar with these tactics because they were used against the GOP ticket in 2008. The left seeks to single someone out and destroy his or her record and reputation and family using the media as a channel to dump handpicked and half-baked campaign opposition research on the public. The difference in 2008 was that I was largely unknown to the American public, so they had no way of differentiating between the lies and the truth. All of it came at them at once as “facts” about me. But Newt Gingrich is known to us – both the good and the bad.
We know that Newt fought in the trenches during the Reagan Revolution. As Rush Limbaugh pointed out, Newt was among a handful of Republican Congressman who would regularly take to the House floor to defend Reagan at a time when conservatives didn’t have Fox News or talk radio or conservative blogs to give any balance to the liberal mainstream media. Newt actually came at Reagan’s administration “from the right” to remind Americans that freer markets and tougher national defense would win our future. But this week a few handpicked and selectively edited comments which Newt made during his 40-year career were used to claim that Newt was somehow anti-Reagan and isn’t conservative enough to go against the accepted moderate in the primary race. (I know, it makes no sense, and the GOP establishment hopes you won’t stop and think about this nonsense. Mark Levin and others have shown the ridiculousness of this.) To add insult to injury, this “anti-Reagan” claim was made by a candidate who admitted to not even supporting or voting for Reagan. He actually was against the Reagan movement, donated to liberal candidates, and said he didn’t want to go back to the Reagan days. You can’t change history. We know that Newt Gingrich brought the Reagan Revolution into the 1990s. We know it because none other than Nancy Reagan herself announced this when she presented Newt with an award, telling us, “The dramatic movement of 1995 is an outgrowth of a much earlier crusade that goes back half a century. Barry Goldwater handed the torch to Ronnie, and in turn Ronnie turned that torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive.” As Rush and others pointed out, if Nancy Reagan had ever thought that Newt was in any way an opponent of her beloved husband, she would never have even appeared on a stage with him, let alone presented him with an award and said such kind things about him. Nor would Reagan’s son, Michael Reagan, have chosen to endorse Newt in this primary race. There are no two greater keepers of the Reagan legacy than Nancy and Michael Reagan. What we saw with this ridiculous opposition dump on Newt was nothing short of Stalin-esque rewriting of history. It was Alinsky tactics at their worst.
But this whole thing isn’t really about Newt Gingrich vs. Mitt Romney. It is about the GOP establishment vs. the Tea Party grassroots and independent Americans who are sick of the politics of personal destruction used now by both parties’ operatives with a complicit media egging it on. In fact, the establishment has been just as dismissive of Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Newt is an imperfect vessel for Tea Party support, but in South Carolina the Tea Party chose to get behind him instead of the old guard’s choice. In response, the GOP establishment voices denounced South Carolinian voters with the same vitriol we usually see from the left when they spew hatred at everyday Americans “bitterly clinging” to their faith and their Second Amendment rights. The Tea Party was once again told to sit down and shut up and listen to the “wisdom” of their betters. We were reminded of the litany of Tea Party endorsed candidates in 2010 who didn’t win. Well, here’s a little newsflash to the establishment: without the Tea Party there would have been no historic 2010 victory at all.
I spoke up before the South Carolina primary to urge voters there to keep this primary going because I have great concern about the GOP establishment trying to anoint a candidate without the blessing of the grassroots and all the needed energy and resources we as commonsense constitutional conservatives could bring to the general election in order to defeat President Obama. Now, I respect Governor Romney and his success. But there are serious concerns about his record and whether as a politician he consistently applied conservative principles and how this impacts the agenda moving forward. The questions need answers now. That is why this primary should not be rushed to an end. We need to vet this. Pundits in the Beltway are gleefully proclaiming that this primary race is over after Florida, despite 46 states still not having chimed in. Well, perhaps it’s possible that it will come to a speedy end in just four days; but with these questions left unanswered, it will not have come to a satisfactory conclusion. Without this necessary vetting process, the unanswered question of Governor Romney’s conservative bona fides and the unanswered and false attacks on Newt Gingrich will hang in the air to demoralize many in the electorate. The Tea Party grassroots will certainly feel disenfranchised and disenchanted with the perceived orchestrated outcome from self-proclaimed movers and shakers trying to sew this all up. And, trust me, during the general election, Governor Romney’s statements and record in the private sector will be relentlessly parsed over by the opposition in excruciating detail to frighten off swing voters. This is why we need a fair primary that is not prematurely cut short by the GOP establishment using Alinsky tactics to kneecap Governor Romney’s chief rival.
As I said in my speech in Iowa last September, the challenge of this election is not simply to replace President Obama. The real challenge is who and what we will replace him with. It’s not enough to just change up the uniform. If we don’t change the team and the game plan, we won’t save our country. We truly need sudden and relentless reform in Washington to defend our republic, though it’s becoming clearer that the old guard wants anything but that. That is why we should all be concerned by the tactics employed by the establishment this week. We will not save our country by becoming like the left. And I question whether the GOP establishment would ever employ the same harsh tactics they used on Newt against Obama. I didn’t see it in 2008. Many of these same characters sat on their thumbs in ‘08 and let Obama escape unvetted. Oddly, they’re now using every available microscope and endoscope – along with rewriting history – in attempts to character assassinate anyone challenging their chosen one in their own party’s primary. So, one must ask, who are they really running against?
- Sarah Palin
A Geat Story: Welcome Home
1/11/2012 - NEW YORK -- LaGuardia Airport personnel received an unexpected
arrival Dec. 27, 2011, when the 4th Special Operations Squadron aircrew
radioed the airport requesting permission to land.
Deployed in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn since 2003, the
AC-130U Spooky Gunship was on its final leg home. The unexpected arrival
became an opportunity for everyone at LaGuardia Airport to honor the crew in
true New York fashion.
"Robert McAdams, the station manager for SheltAir Aviation, LaGuardia
Airport's fixed base operator, notified my office of the AC-130U's scheduled
arrival time and that the aircraft was en route from Iraq to Hurlburt
Field," said Thomas Bosco, general manager for LaGuardia Airport.
With timing of the essence, the staff responded with the singular goal of
honoring returning service members who are travel weary and itching to set
foot on U.S. soil.
"The Port Authority (of New York and New Jersey) earn their living by
thinking, organizing, and acting quickly and decisively," said Bosco. "So,
it wasn't difficult at all for them to organize personnel and equipment for
the event. As the word spread of the AC-130's arrival, airport workers, who
could safely break away from their duties for a few minutes, did so in order
to render a heartfelt "thank you" to our brave men and women in uniform."
The aircrew was bringing one of its finest and most battle-tested assets
home. The final AC-130U Spooky Gunship from the 4th SOS was closing in on
U.S. soil - something the plane had not touched down on since 2003.
Taxiing into the designated parking spot, the crew was overcome with
emotion. For many, this was their first glimpse of the United States in
months. Off the nose of the aircraft, emergency vehicles lined the taxiway
with their flashing lights beckoning them forward into the parking spot.
Personnel from every section at the airport stood cheering and waving
American flags as well as fire trucks symbolically saluting the aircraft and
her crew with water cannons.
"It is indescribable the feelings our crew had as we taxied up to the
amazing reception," said Capt. Justin Harvey, AC-130U Spooky Gunship pilot
of 4th Special Operation Squadron. "For me this was a top 5 moment of my Air
Force career at this point. I could hardly taxi the aircraft my hands were
shaking as we pulled into parking."
Choosing to land at LaGuardia Airport became a symbolic nod to Americans
whose lives were irrevocably changed by 9/11. While the aircrew was coming
home from Iraq instead of Afghanistan, the homecoming had a reassuring
effect on those who attended.
"Port Authority police and civilian airport workers felt compelled to
organize a warm and appropriate welcome to our returning heroes," Bosco
Given the horrific 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, and informed the
aircrew's intent to put "boots on the ground" in New York City, Bosco said
it was a fitting conclusion to their combat mission.
While the homecoming was deeply appreciated by the aircrew, it left an even
more lasting impression on the LaGuardia staff.
"Welcoming the AC-130 crew was one of the most striking and heartwarming
moments of my career," remarked Port Authority Police Officer Dan Francis.
Kevin Dauwalter, Chief Operations supervisor at LaGuardia Airport, said he
was deeply moved by the home coming and grateful for the opportunity to say
thank you to those who risk their lives to defend our freedoms at home.
The aircraft's return represented the end of Hurlburt Field's commitment to
the OND mission but underscores Hurlburt Field's commitment to protect
America and her allies.
"Although this aircraft's arrival signifies the end of one chapter, we
remain engaged in operations around the globe and vigilant in the defense of
our country's freedom," said Col. Jim Slife, commander of 1st Special
Operations Wing.
As one of the final four planes to come back to the 4th and 9th Special
Operation Squadrons here, the impromptu welcome home salute cemented what
service members already knew: America is a "grateful and patriotic nation."
"We want the crew members to know that New Yorkers, and indeed all
Americans, are grateful for their service to the nation in defense of our
liberty," Bosco said.
Linmbaugh sees through the haze recognises the tactics
Watching what has transpired over the past month and as recently as yesterday concerning Newt Gingrich, should clearly demonstrate to anyone observing, just what is actually taking place in this nomination process. Gingrich is the target and the fair haired boy of choice of media and the party elite remains Mitt Romney.
RUSH: How long's it gonna be, folks, before we start seeing billboards all over, Florida, other upcoming primary states with Rick Perry on 'em saying, "Miss me yet?" How long's that gonna be? You remember when they had the George Bush billboards, "Miss me yet?" a couple months into the regime?
Anyway, great to have you here, folks, already Thursday, fastest week in the media. Goes even faster when one of the days you spend 12 hours, 10 hours, whatever it was, in an airplane, like I did? Great to have you here, as always, it really is a thrill and a delight. Telephone number if you want to be on the program today, 800-282-2882, and the e-mail address,
Boy, this Newt stuff. Did you know any of this Newt stuff, Snerdley? Let's go through the list. By the way, you should know, there's a blog in the Washington Post. It's called The Plum Line and it's written by a guy named Greg Sargent, and I think he used to be at Editor and Publisher back when it was in business. He was one of the guys there when it went out of business. Very, very left-leaning. He's got a post that includes this. "The New York Times reports today -- based on unclear sourcing -- that Mitt Romney has endorsed a strategy of raising doubts about Newt Gingrich’s 'emotional stability.'" And then there are others that are raising questions here about Newt and his mendacity, his forthrightness.
It is incredible. Yeah, yeah. Well, during the CNN debate with John King, he said that he had all kinds of friends that could vouch for the fact that he had never told his wife he wanted an open marriage. And so yesterday Newt in the campaign said, (paraphrasing) "Nope, nope, there aren't any friends. It's just my two daughters. What I said in the debate, that wasn't true." But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Here's the front page of Drudge. Let's give you the headlines.
Newt flashback, 1983: "Reagan Responsible for National Decay." This is Newt saying these things.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
SHOCK & MAUL – Mittwits & Republican Elites BOMB Newt
I am glad that I am not alone in recognizing this when I first saw the headlines of this campaign unfolding on Drudge this morning.
Compliments of the GATEWAY PUNDIT Blog
Dammit Republicans… Do what you’re told! Get in line and back the RINO!

Ann Coulter loses her conservative street cred by pushing Reagan-basher Mitt Romney, of Romneycare fame, as the true conservative in the GOP race while bombing Newt.
Really Ann?… Really?
The Politico is tracking the war on Newt.
The conservative stalwart led off with this segment today.
“Coordinated Avalanche Against Newt Doesn’t Match My Memory of Reagan Years”
This is getting really ugly. It’s unfortunate that our Republican brethren have to wage a shoddy smear campaign on Newt in order to slow his surge.
Compliments of the GATEWAY PUNDIT Blog
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, January 26, 2012, 3:40 PM
In case you haven’t noticed – the Republican establishment and east coast Mittwits have declared war on torchbearer Newt Gingrich.Dammit Republicans… Do what you’re told! Get in line and back the RINO!

Ann Coulter loses her conservative street cred by pushing Reagan-basher Mitt Romney, of Romneycare fame, as the true conservative in the GOP race while bombing Newt.
Really Ann?… Really?
The Politico is tracking the war on Newt.
Newt Gingrich better hope voters who lapped up his delicious hits on the “elite media” and liberals don’t read the Drudge Report this morning.Fortunately Rush Limbaugh has not lost his mind.
Or the National Review. Or the American Spectator. Or Ann Coulter.
Read more:
If they do, Gingrich comes off looking like a dangerous, anti-Reagan, Clintonian fraud.
It’s as if the conservative media over the past 24 hours decided Gingrich is for real, and they need to come clean about the man they really know before it’s too late. This is just a sampling of what’s hitting Newt:
• The overnight Drudge Report banner: “Insider: Gingrich repeatedly Insulted Reagan.” The headline linked to a devastating takedown by Elliott Abrams in the National Review, who wrote, among other things, that Gingrich had a long record of criticizing and undermining Reagan’s most transformative policies.
• Drudge also linked prominently to the American Spectator’s R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.’s similarly harsh takedown of Gingrich over character: “William Jefferson Gingrich.” In it, Tyrrell writes: “Newt and Bill are 1960s generation narcissists, and they share the same problems: waywardness and deviancy. Newt, like Bill, has a proclivity for girl hopping… His public record is already besmeared with tawdry divorces, and there are private encounters with the fair sex that doubtless will come out.”
Drudge runs hundreds of links to stories of all stripes about candidates, but has been seen by Republicans as favorable to Romney in the past.
• Bob Dole issued a scathing statement Thursday that the Romney campaign provided to the National Review in which he said “it is now time” to rally to stop Gingrich, blamed the former Speaker for losing House Republican seats in 1996, and warned that it could happen again, at all levels of government.
The conservative stalwart led off with this segment today.
“Coordinated Avalanche Against Newt Doesn’t Match My Memory of Reagan Years”
This is getting really ugly. It’s unfortunate that our Republican brethren have to wage a shoddy smear campaign on Newt in order to slow his surge.
Dole cuts Gingrich down for CNN
I respect Bob Dole for his service to this country during WWII, but I have never liked his politics. I didn't like him in 1996 when the GOP closed ranks much as they are doing presently and decided that Dole was the guy to run against Bill Clinton.
The same thinking that orchestrated Bob Dole's loss to Clinton in 1996 is now steering the Romney bus to the same conclusion. And if you listen closely at the end of the interview, you will hear Doles say. "It's Romney's time."
That is the way the party machine thinks. Damn the realities, it's this guy's time. That was their thinking in 1996. It was Dole's time. Well we see how that worked out didn't we.
U.S. - US Pennsylvania man, 65, fatally shoots teen who pushed him off bicycle Read more:
There is obviously more to this story, as evidenced by the District Attorney's decision to not charge the man. Self defense is not a criminal offense and when rogues and thugs meet up with the wrong victim, I have no pity for them regardless of their age.
A 65-year-old man shot one teenager dead and wounded another after they pushed him off his bicycle and tried to rob him in Pennsylvania, police said.
The man was cycling on a trail in Reading, Pa., shortly before 11:00 am local time Wednesday morning, when a group of teens pushed him off the bicycle and two of them assaulted him, investigators said.The 65 year old then took out a handgun and shot them both, the Reading Eagle reported.One of the teens -- a 16 year old from Reading -- was pronounced dead at the scene at 12:17 p.m. local time.The second teenager was taken to the hospital but his condition was unknown, according to the newspaper.Cops arrested a third boy at the scene and took him in for questioning. The 15 year old was later taken to a county youth center in nearby Bern Township where he was held on unspecified charges.Police decided to release the 65 year old and charge the juvenile after consulting with DistrictAttorney John Adams, who attended the scene with forensic detectives, the Reading Eagle reported.Authorities did not release his name or the names of the teenagers.
And in Today's News
The morning headlines on the Drudge Report.
Yep, these were just the headlines on Drudge this morning. The mainstream media is literally going into their ' Sink the Bismark' mode concerning Newt Gingrich.
No different than when the infamous German battleship Bismark sank the Hood, (the pride of the British Royal Navy). Once Newt Gingrich torpedoed the pride of the GOP and mainstream media's pride of the fleet candidate (Mitt Romney), they all collectively sounded the klaxons to summon all out battle stations against the mutually hated Juggernaut Gingrich. Stay tuned, it's going to get worse.
The Mornings Drudge headlines
Gingrich admits ABC claim was false: CNN John King
Gingrich Asked About Marital Past, Role In Clinton Impeachment: ABC News
Gingrich Claims of Veracity in Divorces Don’t Hold Up: The Daily Beast
Gingrich Orchestrated GOP Ads Recalling Clinton-Lewinsky Affair: Washington Post
Drudge, conservative media criticize Newt Gingrich: Politico
William Jefferson Gingrich
Florida Poll: Romney Stronger than Gingrich in General Election vs. Obama: Suffolk University Poll
NEWT 1986: 'The Reagan administration has failed, is failing...National Review Online
Newt In 1988: Bush Won't Win If He Runs To Continue Reaganism: Buzz Feed
And last but not least......
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Monica Crowley: Alinsky Dedicated Book to Lucifer and Obama Taught Alinsky
And for those who might question...
This is the dedication page of Rules for Radicals, excerpted from the online view available through on line.

Barack Obama taught the principles of Saul Alinsky in Chicago. Notice the flow chart indicating the flow of money and power out of productive businesses (“CORP”) and into the political class (“MAYOR”). The heading at the top reads “POWER ANALYSIS”. The sub-heading reads “RELATIONSHIPS BUILD ON SELF INTEREST”. The symbol on the arrow between “CORP” and “MAYOR” is the “$” sign.
Saul Alinsky came up with the idea of power analysis, which looks at relationships built on self-interest between corporations, banks and utilities. Barack Obama was teaching students in Chicago the Alinsky Principles.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The best part of The State of The Union address?
You don't have to watch it or listen to it. The media will spend the next week telling you what he said. And if that ain't enough to make you want to puke, I don't know what is.
Is there a Saul Alinsky portrait in the White House?
When is a question not a question.....apparently when it is aked to Jay Carney and he decides he doesn't want to answer it. A simple question, something that could easily be handled with a simple denial if there is no truth to the rumor. But rather than deny, Carney obfuscates and smiles and never answers the question.
More examples of hope and change
Under Obama
So far, during the presidency of Barack Obama, the price of a gallon of gasoline has jumped 83 percent, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. gas During the same period, the price of ground beef has gone up 24 percent and price of bacon has gone up 22 percent. When Obama entered the White House in January 2009, the city average price for one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $1.79, according to the BLS. (The figures are in nominal dollars: not adjusted for inflation.) Five months later in June, unleaded gasoline was $2.26 per gallon, an increase of 26 percent. By December 2011, the price of regular unleaded gas per gallon was $3.28, an 83 percent increase from January 2009.
Hope and Change Obama style
1000 Days Later
What is so special about April 29, 2009?It’s the last time Congress passed a budget. 1000 days later, we are still operating without any plan. I can’t wait to hear about it during the State of the Union tonight. Just like last year’s State of the Union. The budget Obama tried to pass shortly thereafter, modeled on the ideas espoused during his speech, failed 97-0. It was so outrageous, not one Senator of either party would put his name to it.
I’ve read some recent articles about the last 1000 days. Human Events had some worthwhile observations:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said it would be “foolish” to have a budget.Meanwhile, U.S. Rep Sandy Adams penned a short piece about Congressional budget activity, (or lack thereof)
“There’s no need to have a Democratic budget in my opinion,” Reid said in a May interview with the Los Angeles Times. “It would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage.”
The breakdown in the Senate came after Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND), chairman of the Budget Committee, failed to get a consensus among panel Democrats last year on any plan that was proposed to the caucus.
The previous Democrat-led Congress had ample time to do so. With President Obama in theWhite House, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi had the power to implement any budget they chose. Unfortunately, they punted on their responsibilities, choosing to pass legislation creating a national energy tax and an unpopular health-care law instead.And finally, the Heritage Foundation put forth their list of facts about our nation’s budget and America’s money:
So there you have it. The last time Congress passed a budget was with a Democrat in the White house, with a Democrat-controlled Senate, and with a Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. 1000 days ago. So how come no one else is talking about it?
- The last time the Senate passed a budget was on April 29, 2009.
- Since that date, the federal government has spent $9.4 trillion, adding $4.1 trillion in debt.
- As of January 20, the outstanding public debt stands at $15,240,174,635,409.
- Interest payments on the debt are now more than $200 billion per year.
- President Obama proposed a FY2012 budget last year, and the Senate voted it down 97–0. (And that budget was no prize—according to the Congressional Budget Office, that proposal never had an annual deficit of less than $748 billion, would double the national debt in 10 years and would see annual interest payments approach $1 trillion per year.)
- The Senate rejected House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R–WI) budget by 57–40 in May 2011, with no Democrats voting for it.
- In FY2011, Washington spent $3.6 trillion. Compare that to the last time the budget was balanced in 2001, when Washington spent $1.8 trillion ($2.1 trillion when you adjust for inflation).
- Entitlement spending will more than double by 2050. That includes spending on Medicare, Medicaid and the Obamacare subsidy program, and Social Security. Total spending on federal health care programs will triple.
- By 2050, the national debt is set to hit 344 percent of Gross Domestic Product.
- Taxes paid per household have risen dramatically, hitting $18,400 in 2010 (compared with $11,295 in 1965). If the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts expire and more middle-class Americans are required to pay the alternative minimum tax (AMT), taxes will reach unprecedented levels.
- Federal spending per household is skyrocketing. Since 1965, spending per household has grown by nearly 162 percent, from $11,431 in 1965 to $29,401 in 2010. From 2010 to 2021, it is projected to rise to $35,773, a 22 percent increase.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Team Romney Says Obama Would Beat Gingrich
And of course Mitt Romney hands down is the only candidate who can beat Barack Obama. If Romney gets the nomination, I want the American people to hunt down these people like Pawlenty and get their follow up comments after Romney loses to Obama.
My money in on the bet that you won't be able to find them and once you do, they will lie like dogs to try and deny that they ever supported Romney. The only good news in this entire election cycle is that it is finally coming down to it.
So let's see if the collective efforts of Americans can either keep an unfit interloper in office, or will they replace him with an equally ineffectual moderate who has no intentions of pursuing anything remotely conservative if elected.
Go ahead America, trade a witch for the devil.
According to Tim Pawlenty
My money in on the bet that you won't be able to find them and once you do, they will lie like dogs to try and deny that they ever supported Romney. The only good news in this entire election cycle is that it is finally coming down to it.
So let's see if the collective efforts of Americans can either keep an unfit interloper in office, or will they replace him with an equally ineffectual moderate who has no intentions of pursuing anything remotely conservative if elected.
Go ahead America, trade a witch for the devil.
According to Tim Pawlenty
Despite South Carolina exit polling that suggested voters felt Newt Gingrich stood the best chance to beat President Obama in the fall general election, challenger Mitt Romney's team today said a Gingrich nomination would guarantee an Obama second term.
"The possibility of Newt Gingrich being our nominee against Barack Obama, I think, is essentially handing the election over to Obama if it got to that point. And I think that's shared by a lot of folks in the Republican Party," said Romney cheerleader Tim Pawlenty.
Joe Biden on character
I love this. Joe Biden begins answering Seacrest's question concerning Newt Gingrich's ex-wife by saying that he has no comment. "This is quicksand." Then he states that candidate's character has to be examined and then closes by saying that 'this' is not an endeavor for the faint hearted. You tell em Joe.....
Is there a 'dimes worth of difference'?
Is there a dimes worth of difference in media today? I seriously don't believe so. Watching the morning news shows once again this morning confirms that reality to me. It goes without saying that if you want to see liberal bias in the media, most network and cable news sources can easily accommodate your taste.
Some are more obvious than others. for instance MSNBC and CNN lead the cable networks in open bias in favor of Barack Obama and all liberal causes. Nothing new there, they equally supported Bill Clinton and every liberal cause and perspective before the current election cycle. The other networks, what most refer to now as free TV have long since been in the bag for democrats and liberal egalitarianism.
The most glaring example of liberal media bias in recent history being the Dan Rather CBS debacle. Rather was caught in a bold faced attempt to manufacture lies against then President George W Bush concerning his military record during the 2004 elections. That fiasco and the truth cost Dan Rather his job and CBS continues to push the broom and barrel behind the collective media circus as a result of their intense desire to manufacture news as opposed to reporting it.
Our current election cycle is no different in my observation. You can surf the channels daily and see that all remains well in the liberal media mindset as it concerns this election cycle. They all are regularly shilling for Obama and the liberal agenda and they are regularly foisting the egalitarian mantra, but there remains a problem. Where is the balance? Where is the opposing viewpoint. Is there anyone out there willing to sell the truth as news?
I would submit that there are those who might immediately offer up Fox News as that shining island of fairness and balance in media. Most Americans have seen and heard these representations of Fox News: "We report, you decide." "Fox News, fair and balanced." I know I have and every time I hear those representations on a Fox promo, I am forced to shake my head in disbelief. How can Americans be so consistently blind and stupid.
Fox News may begin their broadcasts each day representing themselves as fair and balanced, but they are as far removed from that representation as a news entity can possibly be in my observation. Watching Fox & Friends this morning, the entire program was once again clearly centered on attacking New Gingrich.
Mainstream media has been engaged in a non stop re-evaluation of Newt Gingrich's performance in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, ever since he won that primary. Gingrich bucked the polls and the best efforts of media spun projections and won. All the best efforts of ABC news and their tawdry interview with his ex-wife the night before the primary obviously had no effect on the voters of South Carolina. Once again, something is terribly wrong in media manufactured election cycles. The people simply aren't following the script and the predetermined outcome wasn't attained.
And true to form, Fox News was leading the way this morning with their ongoing attacks against Gingrich. This morning, there sat Gretchen and Doocey on the curvy couch and they were interviewing one of their favorite paid pundits of late, Ms. Dana Perino. And as expected, Ms. Perino was offering up every reasoning that she could muster as to why Newt Gingrich is un-electable, regardless of what his performance in south Carolina may have clearly shown.
I could re-hash and go back over the weeks of attacks that has been mustered by mainstream media at large against Gingrich, but the point of my argument here is to point directly to Fox News and the litany of supposed conservative punditry who continue to line up to attack Gingrich on that network. Even Ann Coulter, right wing attack dog extraordinaire has gone all but rabid in her attacks of Gingrich in her interviews on Fox over the past month.
These supposed conservative hired guns of punditry regularly appear on Fox News. They have absolutely no hope of ever being hired as commentators on any the rest of mainstream media, therefore, their collective rabidness toward Gingrich is not only palpable, but it is also concentrated into one news outlet.
For months the media at large have attacked and discounted the candidacy of Ron Paul, but the level of media spun vitriol against Paul pales in comparison to the attacks mounted against Gingrich. The media realizes that barring divine intervention, Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance of getting the nomination. But they have had to sit up and recognize that Newt Gingrich is the Everready bunny of candidates and he is resonating with the mainstream of America.
That realization is distressing on a number of levels in media boardrooms across America, regardless of how they choose to parse their reactions publicly. The media recognizes that this country is in trouble and has been ever since Barack Obama set foot in the White house. They see the numbers, they read the unemployment rates and the numbers on the national deficit. They see the loss of jobs and the out of control spending. They all know and realize that the shining city on a hill of Reagan's vision is now dark and desolate, but none the less they continue to trudge forward with their egalitarian socialist mantras. In the face of common sense and the dire consequences of failed social Utopian lies by Obama, the media collectively continues to ignore Obama and attack the right. Simply stated, it's what they do.
But the question that must be asked is why is Fox News right in the thick of it? Why are all of the "Fox News Contributors" (save none) in unison in their open disdain if not hatred (like Ann Counter) against Newt Gingrich? I for one see this collective anger, dislike and hatred hinging on one point and that point is, Newt Gingrich has attacked them. Newt Gingrich has attacked the media. He didn't attack Fox News directly, but he has attacked the media et al and he continues to attack mainstream media. And just like the family that comes together to defend the crazy uncle, Fox News has taken Newt's attacks on media at large as an offense that cannot be excused. They must respond and defend their industry.
Fox News and their producers realize that they have obtained the ratings that they have through the years by countering the offerings of mainstream leftist media, but none the less they cannot stand for anyone attacking the business of media at large. Therefore, in the face of all reason, Fox and their stable of paid contributors (hired guns) have collectively brought their angst to bear against Newt Gingrich as the anti Christ attacking media.
The truly interesting part of this media inspired operatic attack, is that Newt Gingrich revels in their attacks. It gives him all the more opportunities to demonstrate his most valuable and practiced asset. The man can simply and calmly look into a camera and systematically dismantle and destroy the manufactured lies and misrepresentations of media. He has demonstrably done that in every debate that he has participated in to date and the people love it.
If there are those who are still curious as to why Newt Gingrich is resonating and surging with the American people, then look no further than the reality that Newt Gingrich sees and recognizes American media as the cancer that it is and he is pointing that out to the American people.
The American people are tired of business as usual in Washington and they are tired of media trying to control their opinions and their lives. The American people recognize and appreciate what Newt Gingrich has had to say concerning the tawdry and idiotic issues that mainstream media continues to focus on while continually muddying the water. The American people recognize that mainstream media is purposely ignoring their suffering and the reasons behind it. They are also acutely aware that Newt Gingrich is speaking to those issue and that the media is writhing like vampires in the light of day every time he addresses those issue. The people like that and they see that as something that as something that is bother sorely needed and desirable in a candidate.
So, when asking yourself questions concerning the alleged fairness and balance of media, or the lack there of in everyday reporting, then look no further than what is being hustled everyday in this country everyday by all media. No, there isn't a dimes worth of difference when it comes to the way media perceives or reports news or politics, regardless of what Fox News would like us to believe. They all have an agenda and they all close ranks to protect each other, regardless of their representations to the contrary.
Newt Gingrich will continue to strike a chord with mainstream Americans. Americans in the flyover country and in America's cities who have suffered and continue to suffer recognize reality And as long as Newt Gingrich continues to speak to their misery, his numbers will continue to soar and he will continue to win primaries. And in the interim, the media in America will continue to attack him and they will continue to ignore the realities of American suffering, the same way they continue to ignore the person responsible for causing and continuing that misery.
Just be aware of what is going on the next time you turn on a TV or visit a web page. The mainstream media and the republican party machine has come together to put the fix in for Romney and that simply ain't working. And each of those entities are doing everything they can to turn back the rise in public discontent with Romney and the support for Gingrich.
The media and the republican party elites want Romney to garner the nomination. The media knows that Romney cannot prevail against Barack Obama and the republican party elites are oblivious to the realities of what is happening and the desires of the people. The republican party machine is in gear and hell bent to garner the nomination for Romney. And if Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times and others have to throw Newt under the bus to maintain their political blood lines? Then welcome to the real world of freedom of the press and media at large in contemporary modern America.
I think back to four years ago when the movement in the polls and primaries was coalescing behind Barack Obama. The party elites of the democrat party were hell bent to see Hillary as their candidate, but even with the best efforts to derail his candidacy, Barack Obama prevailed. the democrats finally got it in 2008. I seriously doubt that the republicans will this year..
Some are more obvious than others. for instance MSNBC and CNN lead the cable networks in open bias in favor of Barack Obama and all liberal causes. Nothing new there, they equally supported Bill Clinton and every liberal cause and perspective before the current election cycle. The other networks, what most refer to now as free TV have long since been in the bag for democrats and liberal egalitarianism.
The most glaring example of liberal media bias in recent history being the Dan Rather CBS debacle. Rather was caught in a bold faced attempt to manufacture lies against then President George W Bush concerning his military record during the 2004 elections. That fiasco and the truth cost Dan Rather his job and CBS continues to push the broom and barrel behind the collective media circus as a result of their intense desire to manufacture news as opposed to reporting it.
Our current election cycle is no different in my observation. You can surf the channels daily and see that all remains well in the liberal media mindset as it concerns this election cycle. They all are regularly shilling for Obama and the liberal agenda and they are regularly foisting the egalitarian mantra, but there remains a problem. Where is the balance? Where is the opposing viewpoint. Is there anyone out there willing to sell the truth as news?
I would submit that there are those who might immediately offer up Fox News as that shining island of fairness and balance in media. Most Americans have seen and heard these representations of Fox News: "We report, you decide." "Fox News, fair and balanced." I know I have and every time I hear those representations on a Fox promo, I am forced to shake my head in disbelief. How can Americans be so consistently blind and stupid.
Fox News may begin their broadcasts each day representing themselves as fair and balanced, but they are as far removed from that representation as a news entity can possibly be in my observation. Watching Fox & Friends this morning, the entire program was once again clearly centered on attacking New Gingrich.
Mainstream media has been engaged in a non stop re-evaluation of Newt Gingrich's performance in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, ever since he won that primary. Gingrich bucked the polls and the best efforts of media spun projections and won. All the best efforts of ABC news and their tawdry interview with his ex-wife the night before the primary obviously had no effect on the voters of South Carolina. Once again, something is terribly wrong in media manufactured election cycles. The people simply aren't following the script and the predetermined outcome wasn't attained.
And true to form, Fox News was leading the way this morning with their ongoing attacks against Gingrich. This morning, there sat Gretchen and Doocey on the curvy couch and they were interviewing one of their favorite paid pundits of late, Ms. Dana Perino. And as expected, Ms. Perino was offering up every reasoning that she could muster as to why Newt Gingrich is un-electable, regardless of what his performance in south Carolina may have clearly shown.
I could re-hash and go back over the weeks of attacks that has been mustered by mainstream media at large against Gingrich, but the point of my argument here is to point directly to Fox News and the litany of supposed conservative punditry who continue to line up to attack Gingrich on that network. Even Ann Coulter, right wing attack dog extraordinaire has gone all but rabid in her attacks of Gingrich in her interviews on Fox over the past month.
These supposed conservative hired guns of punditry regularly appear on Fox News. They have absolutely no hope of ever being hired as commentators on any the rest of mainstream media, therefore, their collective rabidness toward Gingrich is not only palpable, but it is also concentrated into one news outlet.
For months the media at large have attacked and discounted the candidacy of Ron Paul, but the level of media spun vitriol against Paul pales in comparison to the attacks mounted against Gingrich. The media realizes that barring divine intervention, Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance of getting the nomination. But they have had to sit up and recognize that Newt Gingrich is the Everready bunny of candidates and he is resonating with the mainstream of America.
That realization is distressing on a number of levels in media boardrooms across America, regardless of how they choose to parse their reactions publicly. The media recognizes that this country is in trouble and has been ever since Barack Obama set foot in the White house. They see the numbers, they read the unemployment rates and the numbers on the national deficit. They see the loss of jobs and the out of control spending. They all know and realize that the shining city on a hill of Reagan's vision is now dark and desolate, but none the less they continue to trudge forward with their egalitarian socialist mantras. In the face of common sense and the dire consequences of failed social Utopian lies by Obama, the media collectively continues to ignore Obama and attack the right. Simply stated, it's what they do.
But the question that must be asked is why is Fox News right in the thick of it? Why are all of the "Fox News Contributors" (save none) in unison in their open disdain if not hatred (like Ann Counter) against Newt Gingrich? I for one see this collective anger, dislike and hatred hinging on one point and that point is, Newt Gingrich has attacked them. Newt Gingrich has attacked the media. He didn't attack Fox News directly, but he has attacked the media et al and he continues to attack mainstream media. And just like the family that comes together to defend the crazy uncle, Fox News has taken Newt's attacks on media at large as an offense that cannot be excused. They must respond and defend their industry.
Fox News and their producers realize that they have obtained the ratings that they have through the years by countering the offerings of mainstream leftist media, but none the less they cannot stand for anyone attacking the business of media at large. Therefore, in the face of all reason, Fox and their stable of paid contributors (hired guns) have collectively brought their angst to bear against Newt Gingrich as the anti Christ attacking media.
The truly interesting part of this media inspired operatic attack, is that Newt Gingrich revels in their attacks. It gives him all the more opportunities to demonstrate his most valuable and practiced asset. The man can simply and calmly look into a camera and systematically dismantle and destroy the manufactured lies and misrepresentations of media. He has demonstrably done that in every debate that he has participated in to date and the people love it.
If there are those who are still curious as to why Newt Gingrich is resonating and surging with the American people, then look no further than the reality that Newt Gingrich sees and recognizes American media as the cancer that it is and he is pointing that out to the American people.
The American people are tired of business as usual in Washington and they are tired of media trying to control their opinions and their lives. The American people recognize and appreciate what Newt Gingrich has had to say concerning the tawdry and idiotic issues that mainstream media continues to focus on while continually muddying the water. The American people recognize that mainstream media is purposely ignoring their suffering and the reasons behind it. They are also acutely aware that Newt Gingrich is speaking to those issue and that the media is writhing like vampires in the light of day every time he addresses those issue. The people like that and they see that as something that as something that is bother sorely needed and desirable in a candidate.
So, when asking yourself questions concerning the alleged fairness and balance of media, or the lack there of in everyday reporting, then look no further than what is being hustled everyday in this country everyday by all media. No, there isn't a dimes worth of difference when it comes to the way media perceives or reports news or politics, regardless of what Fox News would like us to believe. They all have an agenda and they all close ranks to protect each other, regardless of their representations to the contrary.
Newt Gingrich will continue to strike a chord with mainstream Americans. Americans in the flyover country and in America's cities who have suffered and continue to suffer recognize reality And as long as Newt Gingrich continues to speak to their misery, his numbers will continue to soar and he will continue to win primaries. And in the interim, the media in America will continue to attack him and they will continue to ignore the realities of American suffering, the same way they continue to ignore the person responsible for causing and continuing that misery.
Just be aware of what is going on the next time you turn on a TV or visit a web page. The mainstream media and the republican party machine has come together to put the fix in for Romney and that simply ain't working. And each of those entities are doing everything they can to turn back the rise in public discontent with Romney and the support for Gingrich.
The media and the republican party elites want Romney to garner the nomination. The media knows that Romney cannot prevail against Barack Obama and the republican party elites are oblivious to the realities of what is happening and the desires of the people. The republican party machine is in gear and hell bent to garner the nomination for Romney. And if Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times and others have to throw Newt under the bus to maintain their political blood lines? Then welcome to the real world of freedom of the press and media at large in contemporary modern America.
I think back to four years ago when the movement in the polls and primaries was coalescing behind Barack Obama. The party elites of the democrat party were hell bent to see Hillary as their candidate, but even with the best efforts to derail his candidacy, Barack Obama prevailed. the democrats finally got it in 2008. I seriously doubt that the republicans will this year..
Sunday, January 22, 2012
What color is the sky in Dick Morris' world?
I mean really... what debate did Dick Morris watch Friday night? Must have been something playing in an alternative universe.
Joe Pa Dead at 85
Was Joe Paterno murdered? Some may tend to think so.

Damian Dovarganes/Associated Press
Paterno was a larger-than-life figure on the Penn State campus. More Photos »
The revelations of Jerry Sandusky's illicit pedophilia most certainly led to Joe Paterno's dismissal from Penn State University. Therefore, there is a connection to Joe's death in my opinion.
I said when this scandal first broke and the regents and others at PSU fired Joe, that it was only a matter of time before Joe would die. this would kill him. I said the firing and the disgrace of the scandal would kill him and it has.
Rest in peace Joe Pa, you had an illustrious career, but in the end, your career ended by your own hand. Sandusky isn't to blame for Joe's death. He was just the causation that Joe should have handled and dealt with when it was originally brought to his attention.
Joe Paterno, who won more games than any other major-college football coach, and who became the face of Penn State University and a symbol of integrity in collegiate athletics only to be fired during the 2011 season amid a child sexual-abuse scandal that reverberated throughout the nation, died Sunday. He was 85.
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