The Belfast Council finally prevailed and got their long sought and hard fought result this morning. Lennox the "looks like a pit bull" dog was destroyed. After a two year legal battle the Belfast Counsel waited out the last of the legal appeals, then did what they have wanted to do from the beginning of this odyssey of shame.
They wanted to destroy an animal because it looked like something frightening to them. It looked like the dreaded and demonized pit bull who as a breed, has been demonized globally by ignorance and bigotry.
Lennox had no voice in his fate, he had to rely on others to speak for him and speak they did, but their voices fell on deaf ears.
Lennox was seized, imprisoned, tortured and ultimately killed, not because he had done anything wrong. He had not attacked anyone or acted in any manner threatening to those he came in contact with prior to his imprisonment. No....Lennox was subjected to his last tortuous two years of life simply because he looked like something that narrow minded and bigoted people are afraid of.
No one cared to do DNA testing to disprove the allegations of his alleged breed and no one ever came forward to substantiate any act of viciousness on Lennox's part, aside from those who were in charge of his daily torture in his cell after he was incarcerated. A dog left alone in a small windowless enclosure, absent any compassion or human contact or nurturing. Treated like a beast. Is there any wonder he responded to that environment and lashed out at his tormentors? I dare say, if I were to imprison them in a similar fashion with similar treatment, they would react at least similarly and probably worse.
Most sadly to me is the fact that even when there were those who came forward and agreed to adopt Lennox, agreed to pay his expenses and have him transported to America where he could live his life absent the fear of ignorance and bigotry, the Belfast Counsel still refused to listen to any reason or any pleas of intervention. They wanted this dog dead and that is what they got this morning.
There isn't much left to be said or done about it now. Lennox is dead and that cannot be changed. What can be changed though is people's mindset toward animals and others who may be victimized by this type of narrow minded bigotry in the future.. Perhaps there are those in Ireland who's minds will be changed concerning dogs like Lennox in time, perhaps not. I tend to think that there will be little change or difference as a result of Lennox's death in Ireland.
Therefore, I must come to my own conclusions about people like these who would stand in defiance of reason and humanity, to simply make their point that they would have the final word on their own purposeful ignorance and bigotry.
I tend to think that I do not like these people (the Irish). I tend to think that they frighten me. I tend to think that they are dangerous and a threat to both animals and human beings. I tend to think that Belfast sits in the midst of some of the most entrenched hatred and bigotry on this planet. What else should be thought of those who historically kill and murder children and innocent bystanders over their bigotry and prejudice of religion.
I think these people should be feared. I think they are dangerous. Not just the ones who represent and administer terrorism and death with their IRA brethren, but the entire lot of them! The entire lot of them are murdering bastards in my opinion. Why not paint them all with the same broad brush? These are the same ones who painted their victims in that fashion. So there you have it. If these bloody bastards are entitled to their hatred and bigotry of pit bull dogs, then I feel comfortable in my feelings of bigotry and disgust toward them.
The Irish? They abandoned Britain and the rest of the world during two world wars and they have been murdering each other for a hundred years or more. I say we leave them to their misery. Part and parcel, close off all relations with an island of people that has the history of conduct that these bloody ignorant and beastly people do.
Lennox could not speak for himself then or now, but I can speak for him. And I will speak to the barbarity of ignorance that is spawned and perpetuated by the narrow minded bigotry of a few. If this minority of hate can steer and control the opinions and actions of a nation to allow such heresy as to brand any creature a menace to society simply because of its looks, then I believe it is the least that we can do to assert the same qualities to the Irish as a nationality. They are all bad! They are all vicious! They should all be treated as such and descent people shouldn't have anything to do with them ever. Shame on you Belfast Council! Shame on you Ireland! I am disgusted to think of ever being in your presence as a group or as a nationality. "go hifreann leat!"
Lennox's last two years were spent in this windowless cell with a sawdust and filth covered. floor
Belfast dog Lennox put to sleep after 2-year fight
A pug-nosed black Belfast dog named Lennox, who inspired a two-year
legal fight and animal-rights protests on both sides of the Atlantic,
was put to sleep Wednesday amid claims that city council staff had been
threatened with death.
Belfast City Council confirmed the 7-year-old dog was put down after a deadline for legal appeals expired.
Dog wardens deemed the pit bull-type dog to be a public
danger and seized him from his owners in April 2010. Lennox spent two
years in a municipal dog pound while his owners and city authorities
battled in the courts. Northern Ireland's senior appeals judges last
month upheld two 2011 rulings that the dog should be put down.
His owner, Caroline Barnes, argued that Lennox was a
bull dog mix, not a pit bull terrier, never attacked anyone and could be
resettled outside Northern Ireland in a jurisdiction that permits
ownership of pit bulls, specifically the United States.
An online "Save Lennox" petition and social media
campaigns with tens of thousands of followers, many of them using the
Twitter hashtag LennoxArmy, spurred protests in Belfast and New York
seeking his freedom. Among its supporters was First Minister Peter
Robinson, leader of Northern Ireland's regional government, who has no
role in enforcing animal welfare laws.
Barnes said the council had rejected her request to be
present when the dog was put to sleep and instead would send her the
ashes by mail.
This is what Lennox looked like before he was seized and imprisoned for
two years in a small desolate enclosure absent any human contact aside
from the daily actions of his tormentors.
Rest in Peace Lennox