Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Big Brother in the Pre K Cafeteria

Liberals may want the government out of America's bedrooms? But they want to insure that government intrudes everywhere else. This report is actually hard to believe. Especially the part about only replacing the deficient parts of home made school lunches.

They didn't replace parts of this child's lunch, the replaced the entire thing, then sent the home made lunch home with the child and billed her mother for $1.25 for their effort. If this is not Orwellian big brother, then i am not so sure that I know what is.

Preschooler's lunch impounded as unsatisfactory.

A Hoke County preschooler was fed chicken nuggets for lunch because a state worker felt that her homemade lunch did not have enough nutritional value, according to a report by the Carolina Journal.

The West Hoke Elementary School student was in her More at Four classroom when a state agent who was inspecting lunch boxes decided that her packed lunch — which consisted of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips — “did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines,” the Journal reports.

The decision was made under consideration of a regulation put in place by the the Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services, which requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs to meet USDA guidelines.

“When home-packed lunches do not include all of the required items, child care providers must supplement them with the missing ones,” the Journal reports.


XtnYoda said...

In our daycare we have to inspect lunches if brought, and supplement if all the food groups are not present. Fun stuff.

Prime said...

I'm sorry, but unless there is something glaringly wrong with a kids lunch from home, who in hell does the government think they are telling a mother that the lunch she prepared for her child is insufficient adn therefore, they are intervening to provide the child with state sponsored appropriateness.

If a kid comes to school with just donuts or a bag full of candy, then i can see someone intervening, but this kid had a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana and a bag of potato chips with apple juice.

and there alternative was chicken nuggets? Mechanically separated chicken mystery meat that has been compressed and fried. Yeppers! that sounds like a nutritionally good meal.

XtnYoda said...

And we are a church daycare. Not a public funded organization at that. Yet we are regulated.

An inspector came in one day and decided that a wall didn't need to be where it was and ordered us to remove it. Cost us over $10,000 dollars to remove a wall that had been there for 20 years and hadn't been a problem before.

When we build our new ed building that also housed the daycare I made DHS sign off on the blue print before we built it. They of course didn't want to, but I insisted and they finally did.