Monday, February 06, 2012

It's half time in America

I like Clint Eastwood. I really do. And this is a popular commercial from last nights Superbowl game. It has a positive and inspiring message, but it doesn't inspire me to believe in the message. Not based upon what I have seen and what I am seeing.

It's half time in America Clint? I don't think so. It was half time in America ten years ago last September. That was when we as a nation should have stood up and shook the dust from our clothes and washed the blood from our streets and wiped the tears from our eyes.  September 11th 2001 was the last best chance America had to stand up and stand tall and regain our position in the world. And we almost made it.

We had the right man in the office to get the job done. Someone who did let the rest of the world hear our engines roar. But now that roar is no more than a whimper. In the last three years we have lost every bit of gain that we had made in the previous seven years. It was literally pissed away by the present occupier of the white house.

There are those in this country right now concerned about occupying things, when they should be concerned about what is occupying their country. From the white house to the Mexican border, America is being occupied and owned by the forces of evil.

No Clint, it isn't half time in America, We are a long way past that now. It is the bottom of the 9th, or possibly the two minute warning in the fourth quarter, but we are way past halftime now.

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