Sunday, February 26, 2012

Socialism vs. Capitalism

Take the way back machine for a couple of minutes to 1979 and review what was being proposed to American audiences thirty years ago by the likes of devout Fabian Socialist Phil Donahue. An obscure interview with Milton Friedman, by Phil Donahue covers a lot of issues that are now far more relevant as it applies to our current president and his own economic policies. Listen to the restrained though palpable contempt Donahue expresses toward capitalism. Then listen carefully to Friedman's rebuttal as he exposes the reality compared to the socialist fallacy Donahue proposes.

I believe that there is a certain irony to the fact that this interview took place with Phil Donahue in Chicago and that Chicago is the birth place of the New Party and that Chicago is where Barack Obama launched his political aspirations to become president. Chicago is the home of radicals like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn and a myriad of other radical and America haters like black separatist leader Jeremiah Wright.The common denominator being Chicago.

So yes, take the way back machine for a couple of minutes and witness how one of the prominent Fabian socialist media mouthpieces of the era attempted to run his hustle in front of the American people. The really sad part to me is, Milton Friedman easily debunked Donahue's socialist loving representations, yet no one in America was paying attention back then. I wonder how many are paying attention now.

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