Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mexicans fleeing Obama's failed economy

This is not the first report of the reality that is occurring between the US and Mexico. Many people (myself included) have said for years that the real way to stem illegals coming to this country, is to simply make it where it is not profitable for them to come here illegally. Take away the jobs, the schools and the free medical care and force them to pay their own way and work from the bottom up? And suddenly the mad rush to grab America's gold is no longer a motivation or a desire.

This is what is being seen now and reported in whispers.  They can't find the lucrative construction and service industry jobs anymore because there is no building going on and Americans have had to tighten their belts to painful levels just to survive. No jobs? No Mexicans. No Mas!

In this bad economy, U.S. needs border fence — to keep Mexicans in


Well, that’s one way to stem the tide of illegal aliens streaming across the border from Mexico.
Jack up unemployment rates to near double digits, dunk America into a double-dip recession and put us so deeply into hock with the Chinese communists that it will take generations for us to recover.
After long enough, living and working and trying to eke out bare survival in America becomes even worse than trying to get by in Mexico.
A new study from the highly esteemed Pew Hispanic Center says the millions of Mexicans who risked their lives crossing the desert to get here to the promised land for a better life have given up on the U.S.
This is no small feat. Have you ever been to Mexico? Not the ritzy beach towns with the gated resorts, but Nuevo Laredo? The dusty streets are filled with bony children selling gum and candy for just a few spare pennies.
Desperate as that little trade may have once seemed to us, at least it has the vibe of the floor of the New York Stock Exchange during the ‘90s. Nothing like that is going on anywhere on this side of the border.


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