Once again, the venerable Drudge Report leads with a sarcastic headline aimed at Rick Santorum. Yes, it is pretty obvious that Mitt Romney is going to be the GOP nominee. For those keeping score and paying attention, myself and many others have been saying that for months now. Before the campaign ever began we predicted it and the reasoning for that is simple.
The fix was in by the party elites and the MSM from day one. From the morning after McCain's loss in 2008, barring Sarah Palin rising like a great dragon to conquer the GOP as Obama had conquered the democrats and vanquished Hillary, Romney was going to be their guy come 2012 "Fait accompli".
And ever since Rick Santorum has begun to pull numbers reflective of the fact that a significant majority of those who vote republican do not support Romney, Drudge and other media minions have been hammering at the would be upstart who might challenge all the best made plans of those who make our decisions for us.
My view of Matt Drudge and the Drudge report has been forever altered by his choice to crawl down into the gutter with mainstream media and become a milksop for propaganda and elitist control. Shame on Matt Drudge, the brand is forever tarnished.
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