Thursday, April 12, 2012

Obama back peddles on latest strategy.

 Interesting. After making remarks that fell hand in glove with the comments made by Hillary Rosen concerning working mothers and those who stay at home obviously being privileged, the president quickly began walking back his previous remarks.

I wonder why? In political parlance, these are called trial balloons. Thoughts and positions are sent aloft by political operatives in the party and the administration then gauges public sentiment and reaction. Apparently it didn't take the Obama administration long to figure out that this was a turd in the punch bowl idea.

So the great one espouses his fondness for mothers and his associations with his wife and other mothers and once again declares spouses as off limits in the political debate. Like I said, interesting. And the mainstream media in America will let them get away with this too.

Obama: Spouses should be left alone

Democrats have engaged in a full-court press in pushing back on strategist Hilary Rosen’s comment on CNN Wednesday night that as a wealthy stay-at-home-mom Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.”
Rosen apologized to Romney Thursday, but only after kicking up a firestorm over stay-at-home motherhood and drawing a rebuke from the president himself.
“There is no tougher job than being a mom,” President Obama told a Cedar Rapids television station, mentioning his own wife and mother. He added, “I don’t have a lot of patience for commentary about the spouses of political candidates. My general view is those of us who are in the public life, we’re fair game. Our families are civilians.”
He was only the latest member of his own team to pile on.
“I could not disagree with Hilary Rosen any more strongly. Her comments were wrong and family should be off limits. She should apologize,” campaign manager Jim Messina said in a tweet.

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