Wednesday, April 04, 2012

There are three branches of government? Really? is the deal. For those who are products of the public school system since the mid seventies? There really are three branches of government. Executive, legislative and judicial and each was created as a means of check and balance to prevent the very thing that this administration covets and holds so dear. Democracy!

Yes friends and neighbors democracy. As hard as it may be to believe, democracy is not what it is being represented as by the Obama administration and neither are the separation of powers between the three branches of government and his seeming authority to tell the court what they can and cannot do.

Obama knows damn well that the Supreme court can vet and set aside anything that the legislative branch passes and the executive branch signs into law. The simple test is and always has been constitutionality. Therefore, Obama's latest feint at personal offense and a belief that he can direct the actions of the court is predictably going to rankle anyone with a modicum of knowledge and understanding of the workings of our government.

For sure, Barack Obama would like the ill informed dumb masses to think that the Supreme court has no business or standing overturning anything that he does and he would equally like that same group of lemmings to believe that the standing for such a belief rests squarely on the contention that the court would be over ruling the majority will of the people. Which is another a lie in itself, but that is another discussion.

The bottom line, our government was established with three separate and distinct branches of government for a reason and that reason reason singular and controlling was to prevent mob rule from ever occurring. Mob rule? AKA democracy? Look it up if you don't agree or don't understand, or better yet, begin educating yourself if you don't agree, as you have obviously been left completely in the dark by your government obtained and egalitarian biased education. (Tongue firmly in cheek)

Thankfully, I realize that my admonishment fails to qualify the majority of my readers. Those who frequent here know better than this craplola that Obama is spreading and they have either received their educations prior to 1975 or they have done the work themselves since to educate themselves to the truth that was purposely left out of their American government and history classes.

Justice Department under deadline to answer court over Obama's health law comments

The Obama Justice Department has roughly 24 hours to explain to a federal appeals court whether the administration believes judges have the power to overturn federal laws -- in the latest escalation between the two branches of government over the federal health care overhaul.

A three-judge panel for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ordered the Justice Department to explain by Thursday at noon whether the administration believes judges have that authority. The challenge came after President Obama cautioned the Supreme Court against overturning the health care law and warned that such an act would be "unprecedented."

Bravo the Fifth Circuit Court!

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