Thursday, October 18, 2012

What color is the sky in her world?

See....there is definitely a provable correlation between Kool Aid drinkers and alternate sky colors. What could she have possibly been drinking?  I say the same Kool Aid as the rest of the leftist mob who believes the tripe coming out of this administration. The only difference between Michelle O and the rest,  is that she has kids by the man and she is married to him.

And remember, this is the same woman who could never find it in herself to be proud of America before they elected her husband to the presidency.

No Michelle Your husband has stood tall and taken it like a man from day one. Never blamed anyone for his failures and they are many. The man is an oak!  Repeat after me: Obama is hope and change!  Obama is hope and change!
By Justin Sink - 10/18/12 07:26 AM ET
First lady Michelle Obama said Wednesday that President Obama did not look to blame others for the challenges he faced as president, an apparent rebuke of Republican accusations that the White House continues to point the finger at President George W. Bush for the lagging economy.
"See, but your president, he didn't point fingers," Michelle Obama said at a campaign fundraiser in New York. "He didn't place blame. Instead, he got to work, because he was thinking about folks like my dad and like his grandmother. See, and that's why he cut taxes for small businesses and for working families, because he believes that in America, teachers and firefighters should not pay higher tax rates than millionaires and billionaires."

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