Friday, February 04, 2011

Someone's gotta say it......

Obama’s Blocking Of New Power Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts 

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The rolling blackouts now being implemented in Texas and across the country as record cold weather grips the United States are a direct consequence of the Obama administration’s agenda to lay siege to the coal industry, launch a takeover of infrastructure under the contrived global warming scam, and help usher in the post-industrial collapse of America.
Good morning America!

You won't find this report in the mainstream media coverage this morning. It was totally and completely skipped over by morning media in America (even Fox news missed it). So take note of what is being covered on the edges and on the internet.

Anyone remember FDR's New Deal?  Well here is BHO's version of a new deal.

Cut back and cut down on everything. Remember, America has for too long been a land of wealth and opulence and it is time for some payback. The pres told you so, it was/is time to cut back on those thermostats and park those SUV's and besides, in all that snow? You don't have anywhere to be anyway.

The pres said that he was coming after coal and he has come after it, but little did the dumb masses who voted for him understand what that would truly represent to their mundane little lives.

I guess now they understand. Hope and change? I wonder how many are hoping for some change now. I wonder how many in Texas like the change that they have received so far.

“Because of the sensitive life-saving equipment, hospitals are considered “critical care facilities,” and supposed to be exempt from rolling blackouts,” reports CBS 11. “That’s exactly what Presbyterian Dallas was led to believe. “We were of the understanding that hospitals and other critical-care providers were not supposed to be affected by planned outages,” said hospital spokesman Stephen O’Brien.”
Yeah, but they were affected weren't they. More of that hopey change spread the wealth concept of socialist Fabianism that this president subscribes to. And don't get all excited with anticipation that the federal government is going to come to the rescue, they are not. They can't. They never could. The government's capability is not and never has been the ability to produce anything. Their talent is destroying things and telling others how to do things.

Maybe they will tell these hospitals the best way to manage things without power. Maybe this administration can tell the families of those lost, how their sacrifice has improved the nation's carbon footprint. Maybe they can tell the families who have lost jobs, homes, livelihoods and loved ones, how their sacrifices are providing for a better standard of living in China and India.

Maybe they can tell us how the world loves us once again and how that reality alone is worth the sacrifice. 

Feel the love people!  Now everyone put on another sweater and assume the spoon position with your buddy, spring is coming eventually..... And you will feel so much better then.

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