Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The price of shadowing: Martyrs missing out on paradise.

As the news has reported for the past several days, a yacht carrying four Americans was commandeered by Somali pirates and was being sailed to Somalia by the pirates, while American war ships 'shadowed' the yacht and took no action.

Early this morning the shadowing ended and at least nine martyrs missed their ticket to paradise.

Four Americans dead and the American taxpayer about to be saddled with the expense and cost of maintaining and criminally prosecuting these Muslim heathens. The Navy could have intervened. The Navy should have intervened. But something tells me that the 'commander in chief' has changed the rules of engagement, since Navy SEALS killed the last three Somali pirates who commandeered a US Flagged vessel.

Just another sign of America's weakness of leadership and abject lack of care or concern when it comes to Muslim rage and terror in the world by this administration. In another time? These Somali bastards would have been immediately challenged, the vessel stormed and their sorry asses dispatched to their version of paradise post haste. But not so as long as the interloping impostor holds the reins of power in this country. A sad testament IMO.

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