Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Get Ready. They Are Coming After Your Guns

For those interested or concerned, Joe Biden and the democrats, intend to introduce "revenue enhancing" legislation. Which will in essence tax a myriad of issues. Not the least of which, is that they intend to place a $200 tax on all firearms and magazines, that have more than a 10 round capacity.

And given the opportunity? They intend to make that tax retroactive. Therefore, in other words, they intend to seek a $200 tax on all existing firearms and magazines and require that all existing owned weapons and the purchase of future guns sale, will be required to submit a 13 page federal firearms registration form, including finger prints, for each gun owned or purchased. Placing all Americans on their much desired and long awaited gun registry.

Add to that, they will probably level a similar tax on all ammunition. Therefore, for those who bought into the Biden bullshit story? That he was not going to tax anyone making less than $400,000 a year? Get ready.

Because while he and they may not intend to raise payroll taxes? That is a ruse. They fully intend to tax the hell out of everything else. Including investments, 404K's inheritance taxes, saving and anything else they can get away with in taxes.

And the intended end around to the constitution? Is that they will charge Americans criminally who violate these new taxes? With "tax evasion," for anyone that fails to comply. With a $10,000 fine and ten years in prison for each violation.

These are the facts. Biden and Harris and the rest of that gang of rogues, intend to punish as many Americans as they can, in order to finance their leftist and globalist agenda. So get ready. And it all begins, if they can win the two Georgia senate seats.



Michael said...

The state of Oregon is about to introduce a gun tax for all semi automatic rifles and pistols!!
Yes, it's happening people, wake up!!

Prime said...

It's called taxation without representation. These leftists cannot be allowed to continue to arbitrarily tax Americans. Particularly on issues of political agendas. Americans must stand up and fight if necessary.