Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Hate Speech?

This is what they suspended me for 3 days for "hate speech" for on Facebook three days before the election  

The American people are by and large ignorant, malleable fools.  Oblivious to life and the realities present in this country daily.  Including the pervasive evil that masquerades as fairness. 

Fairness? Is the worm on the hook of socialism. Socialists and their egalitarian brethren, use fairness as the bait.  The bait that suckers in the immature and the uneducated. 

But so many more Americans have college degrees today, you might say. Really? And what is the worth of those degrees. 

What value do they have when these young and brain numbed zombie millennials attempt to market those degrees. I say the same value as those of the generation X that came before them. 

The failure of education in this country did not present itself with the current generation. It has manifest itself abundantly, over the last forty years. 

Lessons of life are no longer taught in our schools or universities. Civics, personal responsibility, the commonality of striving for goals? None of those have value in our America today. All having long since been replaced by theories and perceptions. Perceptions that foist the ideologies of "imagine."

Just imagine!  And the possibilities of the universe will reveal themselves to you.  Just imagine!

Imagining is a different representation for dreaming.  There is nothing wrong with dreaming? Just as long as you understand that success is achieved? When opportunity meets ability.  And absent ability, those capable of providing opportunity will pass you by. Which means, you have to possess skills and abilities beyond dreaming or imagining. 

If you are paying attention to economist and others? We have tens of millions of college graduates who are floundering. They are unable to find a job either commensurate with their degree or their expectations.  

Add to that reality, the reality that millions of them are ass deep in "college loans."  And they are unable to even begin to pay those loans back. They would rather have the option and ability? To simply imagine that those obligations simply went away. 

Hence another bait on the hook of socialism. These kids of today? Look at government as their nanny and they want their nanny to kiss their boo boos and make them go away. 

That is what they have been taught to believe is the responsibility of government. Make everything fair!  If life is unfair?  Because of their own personal failures and inability to succeed? Then it is government's duty to make life fair.  And what better way to do that, than to take from the achievers and redistribute the wealth to the unfortunate whiners. 

So when the socialist anglers cast their lines and their nets at their targets? The would be victims are clueless to the realities they are buying into.  

All they know and all they understand? Is that the so called progressive democrats, are promising free stuff and to ease their pain.  

They are promised parity with those who have actually struggled and survived and earned their livelihoods.  But none of that matters to this brood of would be recruits for socialism. All they know? Is that other people have what they want and what they deserve.  And that isn't fair!

If America functioned as it was intended, there would be no need for a bombastic braggart, egotist and street fighter businessman to pull us back from the abyss.  

But America stands on the cusp of its death spiral and has for the last fifteen years.  And it does so, because of those who have been elected and entrusted to preserve and protect our freedoms and ability to succed and achieve. 

American media and our premiere law enforcement agencies, should be diligently working to either establish or dispel the revelations of the Bidens right now.  But they aren't

The media having long since abandoned their constitutional mandate to serve the people and not the elitists upper classes. 

The only freedom the American press either enjoys or employs in today's America? Is the freedom to deceive. 

They are paid to deceive and they are paid handsomely. Therefore, they are reluctant to bite the hands that feed them. Their existence today? Is more akin to circus performers. And they are paid well for their three ring circuses they put forth as journalism.  

And the same is true of the Washington elite and those bureaucrats that have now swarmed to create the deep state.  

All they want and wish for, is that the evil orange man be defeated and cast aside. So that they can return to their glory days of deceiving all of the people all of the time. While they systematically dismantle the foundations of this nation. 

President Lincoln rightly observed, that a nation divided against itself, cannot stand.  But what of a nation that has been so thoroughly divided, while those in the shadows of government and bureaucracy,  have been steadily undermining the very foundations of our republic. 

Is it any wonder then, that we have seen and are still witnessing, an ever more complacent and do nothing FBI?  

Or that the powers that be of media decide what is truth and then mute and deny the right of the people to even discuss what many are seeing daily.  

Damn your lying eyes! 

Sit down and shut up! 

We know what is best and we will utilize all the power we have to force our truths on you, while denying the reality. 

"Medice, cura te ipsum."

Physician, heal thyself!

In Luke 4:23 Jesus is quoted as saying, "Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, 'Physician, heal thyself': whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country."

Far too many Americans look upon Donald Trump as a physician. They believe that he and only he can save this nation. 

While others believe? That the democrats, led by Biden (for the time being), are the only physicians capable of salving over the raw wounds of social failure, that Trump has revealed to them. 

They are like vampires in the sunlight. They want the great Biden and his representations and promises of social Nirvana, to cast shade on them and shelter them from the searing light of day. 

Meanwhile, the simple truth is this. Donald Trump is no physician. He is at best a paramedic. Someone trying his best to bandage the wounds of death by 1000 cuts, that the leftist and their socialist brethren have inflicted on this nation. 

His tools are tourniquets and bandages, but he cannot stop the bleeding alone. And at best, his accomplishments to date, have been to staunch the blood loss.  As the life blood of this nation has been drained away. 

But he cannot even do that by himself.  He needs the help of those in the senate and hopefully the house at some point. 

Meanwhile, the leftist democrats and their Marxist supporters, have prescribed that patient America be bled more.  They are fully on board with the blood letting. In our streets and in our halls of government, and in our economy. 

They are truly the practitioners of the ancient arts of bleeding the patient. No different than the so called physicians of 200 years ago. The same physicians that killed George Washington?   They are who Are  metaphorically occupying the halls of congress today. And given the chance, they will control the senate and the white house through blood letting. 

Their desire is rather than to nurture the geese that lay the golden eggs, they want to kill them. Their goals are to slaughter them. And ravage the bounty. 

After which their intent is to spread their new found wealth. (Supposedly) 

Yet the reality is and always has been, that their version of spreading the wealth, is to hoard it for themselves. While reigning over and lording over the peons who provided them the ability to do so. 

Joe Biden has made one statement in the past few days that is truthful. If we choose to allow it to happen? If we choose to buy into those enticing baits being dangled before our eyes by the left? We will truly enter into a dark winter and a dark age. 

Because just as the mouse that never considers where the free cheese came from? Americans can easily find themselves hooked and twisting in the nets of the leftist mantras of imagine.  

We are what we allow ourselves to be. 

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