Saturday, November 21, 2020

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. There Was & Is a Reason For that.

Malfeasance. It is an interesting yet simple word. Simply defined by definition, it represents any public official who commits wrong doing. Either through ineptitude, or criminal intent.

It is assumed that those who represent us in either elected or appointed offices, do so with at the least an average ability to conduct their offices. Both efficiently and honestly.

However, time and time again, we as American discover, that we have been deceived. Those we have entrusted, have violated our trust. And when that occurs, there needs to be consequences and penalties for those who committed those failures and violations of our trust.

As the November 3rd election continues to play out, we have had several recounts in several states. While we have had other states like Pennsylvania that refuse to recount their votes period.

But more importantly, we have states like Georgia that did do a recount, however, they purposely chose to ignore the obvious. Which was to verify votes by signatures and post marks And compare those votes to the voter rolls. (That was too hard according to the Sec/State)

The Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger basically telling Georgians? 'This is good enough.'

Well it isn't Sir and you know it. Georgians deserve better and so do Americans. Especially when the balance in the US Senate now rests with decisions and votes to be now carried forward to a runoff for two senate seats by Georgians.

But rather than execute their offices with character and the proper decorum to leave no issues of honesty unresolved, those like Raffensperger have chosen to act like petulant children at bath time. I am sorry, but that is not good enough for me.

As I pointed out yesterday, with hundreds of sworn affidavits in the hands of the President's attorneys, alleging observed and witnessed voter fraud? Alleging the changing of ballots, the manufacture of ballots and the receiving of ballots by the truck load after the polls had closed? Trucks that carried pristine ballots marked for Joe Biden and only Joe Biden? This election literally screams for intervention.

Legal intervention by the courts.

However, the best that the American media can muster? Is to cackle like hyenas, while simultaneously seeking to mute the voices of any and all opposition.

Justice is blind they say. Well if there was an effigy of justice in this election? It would be the media with lady liberty tied over an barrel being blind folded gagged and gang raped by the media.

This cannot stand. There have to be consequences for the egregious actions of elected officials both state and local and the media who has furthered it.

If there is nothing to hide? Then stand aside and allow a fair an unbiased, non partisan examination of the ballots and the machines that tabulated them. All it takes are a couple of forensic examinations of these voting machines and the ballots that ran through the counting machines either physically or digitally.

And if there is or has been corruption? It is easily determined. After which, it can be extrapolated, to review the entire process, state by state. But in the mean time? A pretender to the office of the presidency should not be allowed to be sworn in.

The resolution is simple. The evidence exists to call into question and challenge this election in a number of states. Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia and others. More than enough evidence now exists to nullify the election on the grounds of dishonesty and lack of integrity.

After which, the US Supreme Court can intervene and rule the election null and void. After which, as is constitutionally provided, the Supreme Court casts the determination of the presidency to the US House of representatives and the fifty states represented there. Each of which has one vote for the presidency.

Allow the House of Representatives to decide. On a state by state basis and not by individual representative vote. That is the method the framers created for deciding such matters. The same as they created the electoral college, to protect Americans from being bullied by large states and their populations.

But don't you know? The leftist will lose their minds when this occurs. They will scream like wounded banshees, while summoning their demon army of anarchist to take to the streets to destroy this nation. BURN IT DOWN! was and is their mantra, when they don't get their way. And they will set about to do just that.

Therefore, those like you and I?

Need to be prepared to defend what is ours. Both literally and figuratively. We all need to be prepared to defend our persons, our property, our nation and our constitution. As the second amendment was intended.

Well regulated militias of the people can and will be called into service, when the need to beat back tyranny occurs. And tyranny is on our door steps people. So prepare yourselves. Brace yourselves. We may once again need the Minute Men who once preserved this nation.

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