Thursday, November 19, 2020

We Cannot Live Inside a Cocoon.

Good morning all.  On the way in this morning I am thinking. What in the hell is going on in this country. Have we collectively lost our minds?  Have we lost our individual abilities to make reasoned judgements? 

Apparently so. 

And it did not begin with this pandemic. 

Going back at least twenty years to 9/11. When we suddenly decided that no one should be killed or become a casualty of war. As a nation, we set about to immediately "up-armor" everything. 

HUMVEE's, Bradley fighting vehicles. And that wasn't good enough. We created the MRAP and ceramic body armor and everything a soldier would need to live inside a protected cocoon.  Except there was only one problem. They could not fight or win with those constraints. 

No matter how we attempted to insulate ourselves or our soldiers? They still continued to die and become maimed. Why? Because human beings cannot exist inside of armored bubbles. And they cannot fight an enemy that knows no bounds, while cowering behind perceived armor.  

When you are at war?  You need to take precautions, you need to eliminate risks. But you need to understand one thing. The enemy cannot be defeated by defensive measures. Only through offense will you prevail. 

And that reality holds true, regardless of the enemy. 

In 2020? The enemy we face is SARS Cov2.   This virus is no mystery. The powers that be know precisely where it came from and how it came into existence.  

It was and is a biological weapon. With the exception? That it has been turned into a political weapon by our enemies within our gates. 

And just like the IED's deployed against us in the middle east? America cannot hope to either pretend that the enemy is not there, or that we are best protected by endless layers of masks and societal lock downs. 

The president was correct when he surmised, that we cannot allow the cure to be worse than the disease. Yet for over nine months now, the so called science and the talking heads like Fauci, have refused to investigate ALL possibilities for either a cure or a treatment. They would rather continue to play politics, while Americans suffer and die. 

They do not want to hear about what they call anecdotal evidence. All they worship or approve of  are blind studies and data. 

In 1918-1919? Over three billion people were infected with the Spanish Flu globally. Over fifty million people died. We did not have the knowledge then that we have now. 

Fast forward 100 years? And we have better technology, better medicines, better doctors and a myriad of other things, that previous generations did not have. But the one thing we are sorely missing? That one tangible item that we are severely lacking?

Common sense. 

If masks can help prevent the spread? Great! If maintaining social distancing in public and around large gatherings of the public can help prevent the spread?  Great!

However, we cannot become prisoners in our own homes. We cannot continue to hide from the reality that their is an evil among us?  We cannot destroy our country and our economy with lock downs. 

We have already seen thousands of small businesses go under in the last nine months, and they will not return. The same has happened and is happening to major corporations and brands like JC Penney and others. America cannot survive like that.  Working class and middle income Americans cannot survive like that. 

And Joe Biden's solution?  Follow the science and shut down the virus.  Which translated means: "lock down the country."  Live in a bubble.  Cancel Thanksgiving  and Christmas and everything else.  

Learn to live with their new normal. Which translates to: "learn to die with their new normal."  

MRAPs and up armored HUMVEE's and ceramic body armor did not completely protect our soldiers from death or grievous injuries the last twenty years, and neither will lock downs protect us from the evil of this virus, or the evil of politicians, hell bent to hold power and control over us, as the dark lords of tyranny. 

Make no mistake folks, we as Americans are fighting two evils in America today. The evil of a virus and the evil of politicians, hell bent for absolute socialist control of our nation and our future. 

As someone once wisely said:  "You can vote yourself into socialism, but you will have to shoot your way out of it." Which future do you want to see in America. It is time to take a stand. Individually and collectively. If not us? Then who. 

This nation was founded on the principles of we the people.  And it is past the time that we remembered that and started acting like it. Speak up now, or forever hold your peace. 

Semper FI

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