As a police officer, who spent thirty years in law enforcement, one immutable truth that I can certify is this.
When we choose to turn our heads and turn a blind eye as a society, to the the little things? The larger and larger problems will become more and more frequent. The big things will then become more and more frequent.
And violence and attacks on individuals and their property in neighborhoods will lead that new normal.
In Atlanta everyday, we have dozens and dozens of those cruising the streets on dirt bikes and ATV's. Absent helmets riding vehicles that are not and cannot be licensed to be on the roadway. Yet they are. And they are there for a reason.
And that reason is, that no one is doing anything about it. The police have been ordered not to intervene.
These individuals routinely run red lights, ride into oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the road? At night and with bo mights on. And most often while doing wheel stands with wide open mufflers.
There are also dozens and dozens of those in cars, similarly roaring around with loud mufflers on their cars and blaring music that will rattle windows. Day and night.
And no one does anything about it. The police have been ordered to stand down on these law violations and everyone else is too afraid to take exception to these rolling nuisances and hazards to the public.
Meanwhile, all you have to do is stand on any corner? And the smell of marijuana routinely waifs by day in and day out.
Meanwhile, those on these electric
Scooters are routinely, endangering pedestrians on the sidewalks.
And every time there is some incident involving the police being forced to use force? The rabble rousers and the anarchist, immediatrly take to the streets to riot and burn the property of others.
Add to that a palpable arrogance of certain individuals in cars and in my opinion, the police have lost control of this city as they have in other cities, all over this country.
At some point in the near future, there will be a reckoning. There will come a time when these renegades and anarchist heathens take to the streets in neighborhoods.
Terrorizing those who foolishly believed that this rampaging and terror in the streets would never reach or affect them.
And it will occur? Because we have allowed those who protect us and the rule of law, to be attacked, belittled and demonized. To the point where, at some point, they will choose to walk away and go home to protect their own property.
And what happens then. Who will those so thoroughly entrenched in their false belief in egitarianism call to save them.
Decisions will be made. Decisions to either survive and protect your own? Or accept becoming a slave to the eminent violence that will come.
So once it begins, what will be the answer then. You decide. Or your fate will be decided for you.
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