Saturday, November 14, 2020

Red Pill or Blue? Red State or Blue? You Decide.

My Saturday morning epiphany. 
As those who hold the reins of power in America this morning, continue to try to drive conservatives, Christians and other Americans farther and farther away from their morals and values, know this.
There are those of us who do not follow the crowds. Or the media mob, or the blinded lemmings and sheeple headed for the cliff.
Most Americans will simply not become hermits, because others have accepted aberrant societal values, and have dove into the trash heap of morality. We won't be living off the grid and vanish to the eyes of the more hip and plugged in to of the new norm. We will not simply cease to exists. However, much of what we have patronized and supported all our lives? Already has vanished in our eyes and lives as it has abandoned us.

From products and brands, celebrities, sports teams, including college teams. You name it.
And if you do not believe that? Take a look at the landscape of America this last year and since the Obama regime Using myself as an example. There is an ever increasing cadre of businesses and corporate brands that I no longer contribute to with my money. I simply refuse to buy their products or support their brands. Because they have abandoned me. Or they have chosen to join the mad rush to brand others who do not agree with them? With the scarlet letter of racism. 
Sometimes walking away from relationships is a bit painful or uncomfortable? As it concerns products and former allegiances. Because you have to leave you comfort zone to abandon these individuals and entities. But having considered that they and their newly embraced values abandoned me and you? Absent remorse or apology? I felt it only fitting to reciprocate as I hope you have also. 
I have done the same thing with individuals and celebrities and so called athletes and stars. Those I have followed for years and decades. And yes, I have done the same with some people in my life. They directly offended me, by their choices to openly offend me, while expecting me to simply cower to their values or lack there of. I do not follow the crowds and I will not be shamed or blackmailed by racial blackmail or the collusion of media to force public perspectives and the acceptability of the aberrant
I believe that regardless of duration of friendships or other connections with family, that there comes a time when you just have to cut people loose. They have cut me loose? So what is the problem if you and I shove off from their proximity, never to return. 
One of the recurring truths I have learned in my life, is that if you will not stand for something, you will fall for anything. And I have never seen that truth more glaring than I do today.
The media in America has made themselves and social media into an intoxicating narcotic for the masses. Fifteen years ago? No one had ever heard of social media or facebook or twitter or instagram or tiktok, but now? They look like junkies needing a fix, if they cannot get on their accounts daily to chit chat and share bullshit stories.
I will admit, I was no different for several years. However, as I have seen the landscape of sociopolitical society being shaped by social media over the last five years? It truly scares me and worries me..
To me it is almost as if we have truly become plugged in to the Matrix. We exist as we are told to exist. Via the information plugged into our existence by these highways of controlled thought.
Well as for me? I am unplugging from the thought police of the Matrix. I will create my own reality, before I allow a myriad of Agent Smiths to control my every waking thought. 
We as Americans have to reclaim our country, our morals, our values, our culture, our history and most of all? Our pride. Because absent these qualities? We are nothing but going through the motions. While the truth sayers of or present Orwellian and soon to be dystopian world, call the dance and all that we do. 
So what pill do you want? Red or Blue? And what political reality do you choose? Red or Blue. 🤔


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