Monday, April 06, 2009

Obama's Dangerous Promises Realized

Obama Pledges to Lead World Into Nuclear-Free Future

President Obama promised Sunday to lead the world into a nuclear-free future, giving a hawkish edge to a peacenik pursuit even as North Korea upstaged him with the launch of a long-range rocket that theoretically could carry a warhead.

At the point when the world has become a very troubling and frightful place once again? That is the precise moment that Barack Obama has chosen to push for his disarmament of America. And it's not like he didn't warn us ahead of time. Oh yes, he warned us.

And now he is living up to every one of his promises. Today's news brings word of the cancellation of America's premiere next generation fighter plane, along with other deep cuts in all levels of our defense capabilities. (another Obama promise).

And today, the messianic one was in Turkey, assuring the Muslim world that America would never be at war with Islam. I wonder if he obtained the same concession from Muslims as it concerns Christianity? Something tells me not.

All it takes is for one or two relatively low yield nuclear devices to be detonated either in our country, overhead, or in close proximity to our coast lines? And the EMP (electro magnetic pulse) would effective kill everything that presently remains of our economy. Not to mention several hundred thousand Americans or more. And this self serving socialist minion of blame America first and appease the enemies of America? Is about to give it all away and turn his back on our enemies and pronounce them non threatening.

The people of America and the world had better awaken from their stupors. Put down the six packs and the bongs and smell the coffee. Either that? Or begin to pack their bags for whatever comes after this life is over.

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