Monday, April 13, 2009

All Together now... "I told You So"

So after eight months of wrangling? The I told you so becomes the reality for GM and the American taxpayer.

Report: GM Prepares for 'Surgical' Bankruptcy

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Treasury Department is directing General Motors to prepare for a bankruptcy filing by June 1, despite GM's assertion that it could still reorganize without such a filing, The New York Times reported unnamed sources as saying on Monday.

There was a time when something like this would have been called a monopoly. Something organized by the so called robber barons and those who swooped in with fatal precision, to pick off companies and corporations for slaughter.

After which their bones were picked clean and left to bleach and bake in the sun. Hopefully as a reminder of what happens when those involved are not held accountable to the people. But what of the same scheme when those involved are the government? And they are financing their robber baron tactics of nationalization and socialist union building with your money and not their own?

That is precisely what we are now witnessing with the federal government and it's management of the present economic crisis. One look at how major banks and AIG have been man handled by so called tarp funds, is only an illustration of what is about to occur with both GM and Chrysler IMO.

The major difference of this scheme (pronounced scam) being, that when Obama and his team are finished, they will have bankrupted both of these auto makers and turned the remnants over to state controlled UAW union hacks, for those in both government and the UAW unions to ruin further.

How long before GM and Chrysler are reduced to producing Yugos and Ladas? With rubber band engines and tupperware body panels?

Americans by majority told their leaders eight months ago in every poll and in thousands of letters emails and phone calls, that they didn't want the auto makers bailed our with taxpayer money. People told their representatives then "let them file for chapter 11 and consolidate their finance and get out from under these smothering union contracts."

But no one was listening. So now, eight months later and after $40 billion? The Obama administration has replaced the CEO of GM and is preparing the company to be served up and carved up like a Christmas turkey. Can anyone see what the plan was all along?

There was never any intent of doing anything, other than to allow these companies to be bled down to critical condition, before they are nationalized by the Obama Gaithner team of America's new world order.

I would tend to think? Those in the UK need pay close attention to these goings on. As the same is in store for them in their own future. What can't be sold off or hocked, will wind up on the public step to be sold to the carpet bagging government carrion eaters.

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