Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Next? Prima Noctes?

The UK seems to be headed down a dark an desperate road, where all stops are being pulled to try and keep the socialist state afloat and financially solvent.

Govt hikes top income tax rate to 50%

Chancellor Alistair Darling said on Wednesday as he delivered the government's annual budget. "In November, I announced a new rate of income tax of 45 percent on incomes above 150,000 pounds -- the top one percent of taxpayers," Darling said in his budget speech.

"In order to help pay for additional support for people now, I have decided that the new rate will be 50 percent and will come in from next April -- a year earlier."

For the uninitiated....150,000 pounds sterling works out to $219,465.08 (US) at the present rate of exchange. Which leaves the British government with a tidy profit of 109,732.54 pounds on just the bare minimum 50% taxation of the rich at presently increased rate.

Think of the joy they will obtain from taking 500,000 of every million earned and so on.

I wonder what Sir Paul McCartney thinks of that. Or Madonna for that matter. In any event, the larger looming reality is the justification that Mr. Darling puts forth as his justification and reasoning for increasing the tax to a staggering rate of 50%. Almost as if a passing afterthought of commentary, Darling lets the cat out of the bag obliquely.

Darling's comments: "In order to help pay for additional support for people now."
Which in my estimation, provides more than a terrifying peek in the box of Christmas future as it concerns what is in store for the people of the UK. What Darling's remark and action clearly demonstrate to me, is that the socialist facade of entitlements has finally reached the tipping point in the UK.

In the absence of taking more money from more and more citizens who have earned it, to give to those who have not? The socialist pyramid begins to collapse and it soon becomes evident to all that there is no more money. The reality becomes plain, that the government is in fact running and inverted pyramid Ponzi and always has been.

There has been a lot made of late in the media of one Bernie Madoff and how he managed the supposed largest Ponzi scheme in history, but the reality proves that assertion wrong on its face, once the Ponxi schemes of government are revealed.

And the largest Ponzi schemes ever created on record are those of social security. Throw in the myriad of other social giveaway programs that have been stacked on top of it, in both the UK and America? And the shear weight of these entitlement programs demands an eventual collapse from the simple inability to maintain funding through taxation. It simply cannot be sustained. It never could be.

And that is precisely where Mr. Darling and the Brits now find themselves. Fifty percent of all income above the 150,000 pound income mark today. Tomorrow the mark will be lowered to 100,000. Then eventually down to 50,000

And they will take it ever lower and just as far as they can, until the ruse is finally revealed as it collapses the entire mechanism of government and social welfare and ends in anarchy and chaos.

Welcome to the 21st century as envisioned in the 19th century by the gentleman Marx.


Anonymous said...

Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm all in one.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! 50%? That is ahrd to believe.