Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Cost of Winning in Afghanistan

U.K. Proposes $500M to Woo Taliban Off Battlefield, Into Jobs

Apparently? Winning a war and ending a conflict is only a matter of money in the UK. The Brits have seemingly devised the ultimate in devious plans to resolve the war in Afghanistan via capital reassignment. Why fight a war? When you can simply buy off your enemy. Devilishly brilliant lads!

Bravo Mr. Brown.........Bravo!

Downing Street confirmed that Britain will make a contribution of a “few million.” Germany has agreed to $70 million over five years and the bulk of the money will come from the Japanese aid budget to Afghanistan, diplomats suggested.

Just curious, but I wonder how this will affect our relationship with Somali and Sudanese Pirates? Or the North Koreans? Or Hugo Chavez? Or our little buddy in Iran? It's only right that they will come calling for their "fair share." Right?

Seems to me? As if Gordy Brown has devised a new and completely original means to stimulate the economies of despots and dictatorships globally. What a wonderful idea Gordon, now how do you propose to pay for it.


XtnYoda said...

Soooo... if we just "redistribute" the wealth of the industrial world and share it with the thugs that dominated, abuse, and humiliate their religious underlings... keeping them in poverty so that they will blow themselves up for a pair of sandals...

.... so we give them a bunch of money that the thugs will hoard up for more visits from their whore shopping... keeping their underlings in a pair of sandals... this is going to stop the determination to wipe the industrial world off the map?

What a sick joke.

Prime said...

There you have it. See how easy it is to understand. (wink)