Friday, November 12, 2010

The Queen of "Denial"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she has the “overwhelming support” of fellow Democrats in her bid to become minority leader in the next Congress, and says she’s not to blame for the Democrats’ mid-term debacle.

“We didn’t lose the election because of me,” Ms. Pelosi told National Public Radio in an interview that aired Friday morning. “Our members do not accept that.”
Instead, the California Democrat attributes the loss of at least 60 seats to high unemployment and “$100 million of outside, unidentified funding.”
“Any party that cannot turn (9.5% unemployment) into political gains should hang up the gloves,” she said.
I'd like to know what she has been smoking. This promises to be an interested January when the house re-convenes.

 The "overwhelming support angle? I want to see how that pipe dream holds up when it actually comes down to votes and after the remaining democrats have had two months to digest their own political futures come 2012.

And the part about unemployment? Priceless. Hell yes unemployment played a huge factor in the election. But so did the democrats unapologetic attitudes, led by madam Pelosi and her hell bent refusal to do anything about it, while they mulled and shoved Obama care down America's throats.

Oh.....and that 100 million in outside funding? That must have come for all that 'astro turf' you have been writing off while you swooned and caressed the  media and smirked with that stupid little grin on your face.

Remember madam speaker? The part about "we have to pass this so that we can see what is in it?" Well you did pass it and the American people have seen what is in it. And now you too can see what was in it. Included in your little elitist socialist bill? Were the makings for the undoing and demise of your party at the polls last Tuesday. Along with your own demise as an influence in the party period, beyond the wild eyed rabid leftist that have their noses buried in your backside.

1 comment:

XtnYoda said...

Our Messiah said something about those who see the speck in others eyes... yet can't see the beam/log in their own eyes.

Yup... he nailed Nancy and these progressives.