Friday, November 05, 2010

Some thoughts for the day

This morning's headlines are blaring that the unemployment rate is down to 9.6%. While that may be comforting to the media, it isn't making it's presence felt in the heartland. In other words, Americans aren't feeling it.

Unemployment remains the same for them as do foreclosures and now the inflationary pressures of the costs associated with day to day living. Primarily food and energy costs. Those are going up and with the presidents QE2 plan yesterday of printing 600 billion more in funny money? That will only get worse.

They are trying to stimulate the economy now via their creative use of inflation, much the same as Jimmy Carter did a generation ago. It didn't work then and it won't work now. America doesn't need manipulated inflation, especially as the rest of the world, specifically China and Europe look to punish us for printing more caveat money.

What we need is an immediate reduction (dramatic reduction) in government spending, and an equally dramatic easing of taxation and government regulations to spur economic growth and the creation of jobs.

Those are the parts of captalism that Obama and his socialist regime are deaf to. And that is all that will save us now. Meanwhile, Rome Burns and he fiddles and the media slaps their knees and keeps time.

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