Monday, June 08, 2009

The British Cat in The Hat

I really like this fellow Daniel Hannan, he says it like it is and without equivocation or request of pardon for his positions. This was part of his victory speech on the 4th, having been reelected as an MEP to the EU parliament.

And he is calling it as it should be, it is time for Brown to go. Or else they will come after him soon with torches and ropes.

As Teddy Roosevelt would have said? Bully!


Prime said...

You have to admire this man.

Tiddles said...

Daniel Hannan will be one of the leaders of the future to hopefully grab the UK by the throat and shake it back to reality.

XtnYoda said...

Same is coming to America, perhaps even stronger as the reality sets in... and it is setting in quite quickly.

Put on your seat belts... we are in for quite a ride!