Sunday, June 07, 2009

Night On The Town Part Deux

People watch and take photos from upstairs windows as President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama arrive for dinner at a restaurant in Paris, Saturday, June 6, 2009. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

For the Obamas, date night in Paris

It's been what? A week now? Since the pres took the first wife on an all taxpayer expense paid trip for dinner and a show in New York city? And here he was last night in the city of lights, back at it again.

Now in all fairness, he didn't fire up Air Force One and all that goes with it just to entertain Michelle in Paris, but he did forgo the customary diplomatic courtesies while on his European visit, so that he could once again do as he pleased and satisfy his own personal interests once his immediate obligations were completed.

There had already been rumblings in the news on Friday, that the president had decided to pass up a dinner with French President Sarkozsy and his wife. And apparently that was a significant rub to the Frenchman, as he and the wife had apparently made plans for the private dinner and expended more than some amount of effort and expense in the preparation. But president Obama put a quick kabash to any of that, citing his pressing schedule and his need to get back to America and presumably back to work for the American people. (you gotta love a guy like that).

Obama hits back at Euro snub rumors

"I have a very tough schedule and I would love nothing more than to have a leisurely week in Paris, stroll down the Seine, take my wife out to a nice meal, have a picnic in Luxembourg Gardens," Obama said, pointing out that he was caught up in dealing with the pressing financial crisis at home.

"Those days are over for the moment," Obama said, but promised to spend more time in France when he is an ex-president.

I believe that is the example of the liberal favored tactic of...."admit nothing, deny everything and launch counter allegations" that I have witnessed of late. And the part about him being an ex-president? Well that is certainly an appealing thought.

Mean while, no one was inviting the president and wife for a week on the Riviera, sitting on the beach and sipping pina coladas. It was relatively simple and basic international diplomacy, the president of France and wife, were simply attempting to be good hosts and invite the president of the United States and wife to a private dinner.

But President Obama was having none of that, as he apparently didn't have time with his busy schedule to fit in a dinner date with the president of France. But he certainly found time to take Michelle to a Paris bistro for dinner, before leaving to fly home on the largest and most expensive luxury jet on the planet.

It certainly must be nice being president of the United States and it must be even better knowing how to flaunt it and laugh in the face of all who take any exception. But give it time, all that will change and change quickly IMO. The honeymoon hangover is about to become apparent for all to see.


Debra said...

Absolutely amazing! And he left Michelle and the kids behind so they could go shopping. Which means? That a separate US Air Force plane and Secret Service and all the bells and whistles that go with that!

Abraham said...

Mo Money> That's about all this guy knows. He knows how to spend other people's money. Damn sure doesn't know how to create wealth, but certainly knows how to take.

What a pathetic excuse for a president.

Bailey Bonds said...

And the media neglected to point out that Michelle had to be flown separately, both to and from Paris along with the kids.