Friday, June 12, 2009

Real Men Don't Apologize To Slutty Stewardesses

Did David Letterman go too far with Willow Palin joke?

Letterman owes women an apology

For the past week, the battle of words by David Letterman has been waged against Sarah Palin and her children. Once again I should say, as there always seems to be room enough for the crass and obnoxious, just as long as it is aimed at the right people.

Or should I say, just as long as it is aimed at the people on the right. David Letterman is a pathetic excuse for a comic and has been for the last two decades IMO. He wasn't that funny when those like Johnny Carson gave him his first big breaks in the business. And not a lot has changed in the past thirty years. The man's humor is more pathetic than funny and his renewed attacks against Sarah Palin just reinforce the reality of the sick minded angst that passes for humor on the left today.

Even yesterday's pathetic mea culpa wasn't really an apology by Letterman. More of a primer on why those like Sarah had somehow missed the grandiose points of humor so immediately graspable by the knowing elite. What a load of bull chips. The only good news of late as it concerns David Letterman, is that he is passing his shelf life and his network will soon be looking for something other than this stank anachronism of angst humor to pay the bills. Sarah Palin doesn't need defense against this lout, she handled him in the fashion that he should have been handled, as the filth minded diddler in insipid humor that he is. As a pervert of mind and politics and one more comfortable in the outhouse of humor than in the mainstream.


Abraham said...

This man is not a comedian, he is a joke.

XtnYoda said...

Every women's right activist, human rights activist, every liberal, conservative, and moderate in the world should rise up against this behavior.

We'll see though who really cares about women's rights.

I'll be surprised if it is the left side of politics that gives a hoot.


Jules said...

I have been amazed since the moment when she was nominated, at the level of hatred and anger directed at this women and her family.

Where is NOW and all those Goria Steinhem feminists when a conservative mother of five is being pillaged by celebrity leftist misogynist?

Prime said...

And yes, CBS has now had the video evidence of their man removed due to copyright claim. But they are more than happy to leave others undisturbed.