Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Srinking of America

US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive

I knew once I saw the banner headline on Drudge yesterday afternoon, that there must be some unique and revealing Obama perspective to be observed concerning how to muddle through this recession and save America. And sure enough? There is was. It was all laid out and explained by this genius from Flint Michigan. All that would be required? Would be for America to bulldoze our blues away.

The government looking at expanding a pioneering scheme in Flint, one of the poorest US cities, which involves razing entire districts and returning the land to nature.

Local politicians believe the city must contract by as much as 40 per cent, concentrating the dwindling population and local services into a more viable area.

The radical experiment is the brainchild of Dan Kildee, treasurer of Genesee County, which includes Flint.

Now, from reading this article, one might assume that this individual from Flint had stumbled across some unique and wonderful method for managing and saving cities. But what it the truth of the matter?

The truth as I see it, is that about all that is accomplished, is the temporary employment of a few demolition specialists. And these would probably be paid for with Obama's stimulus package that he has mortgaged America to finance.

Bulldozing properties at public expense accomplishes what? Aside from the expenditure of public money. It certainly doesn't turn these properties into tax or revenue producing properties. But the greenies press on and now that they have a sympathetic ear in the White House? Look to see this program expanded and coming to a community near you soon.

What utter idiocy! We are not talking about development or even re-development here. We are talking about spending our already dwindling capital, to effect a warm and fuzzy feeling for the back to nature folks.

I am sorry, but it is plans and schemes like these that really get me steamed. Who do these people think will pay for such flights of experimental fantasy? Sure they know that it has to be paid for, but as usual they look to OPM to get the job done for them

For those unaware, OPM is other people's money. The only financial reality that has ever existed in socialist Nirvana. In the absence of OPM? Socialism immediately collapses. And it collapses faster than a bulldozed building ever could.


Roger said...

I love watching socialism at work. Problem is, I love watching ti from afar and not in my own backyard.

The man is committed to figuratively and literally destroying this country.

XtnYoda said...

Nero had the same idea some 2,000 years ago... but instead of dozers he just burned the ghettos of Rome to the ground... then conveniently blamed those nasty Christians.

Some things just never change.

Ruth said...

utter and abject idiocy personified!