Thursday, June 04, 2009

Obama's Mid East Headlines Today

The front page of the Drudge Report is full of articles of the messianic one's speech this morning in Cairo. Speaking to the Muslim world, Obama mixed metaphors between the Koran and the Bible and then sought to assure his middle eastern audience, that he would never seek a world where one nation was elevated above another nation in his view of a new world order.

The president called for a new beginning between America and the Muslim world and his offerings and metaphors were replete with concessions and implied subjugation of America, seemingly tendered as a peace offering to the supposed religion of peace.

While the messianic one waxed poetic in his recitals of Koranic and biblical verse, he also peppered his speech with subtle nods and concessions that were neither lost on his audience in the middle east or lost on the folks back home.

Inviting HAMAS to become part of the middle east peace talks is literally akin to the shepherd inviting the wolf to dine with the sheep, but he wasn't finished yet. He followed that up with the validation that Iran is entitled to nuclear power for peaceful purposes (of course). Yet when it comes to our own energy needs back home in America? We are told by the messianic one that we need to seek alternative energy sources. We must not be good enough.

That's right. The president of the United States, (our president) told Muslims all across the middle east today, that it is perfectly acceptable for them to pursue nuclear power, but we here in America are told that we need to find another way.

And to top it off, the president of the United States has now invited a known Islamic radical terrorist organization to come and take part in what he calls middle eastern peace talks, yet in doing so, he discounts if not outright denies their long and bloody terrorist history.

Now....for those interested? For those not completely blinded and made stone deaf by the crooning voice of our modern day messianic savior, (AKA The Man of La Mancha)? Yes friends and neighbors, those are the lyrics to the 'Impossible Dream' that he is humming. And for those interested? Here is a bit of first hand experience and information concerning our newly found brothers in the middle east. Particularly those in Lebanon and calling themselves HAMAS and no being invited to come sup at Israel's table in peace.

There are certainly those who are every bit as naive, ignorant and stupid as Barack Obama when it comes to the middle east and any illusions of peace. But the Israelis and their newly elected prime minister Netanyahu are part of that delusion IMO.

1 comment:

Prime said...

When will we ever learn?