Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Enemy Among Us.

Yesterday before noon, a lunatic approached two soldiers standing outside of an Arkansas Army Recruiting office and opened fire with an AK-47. Killing one young man and critically wounding the other.

Man upset at military shoots 2

Both of these young men had only recently completed their basic training, now one is dead and the other will probably be permanently disabled for life if he lives. Why? That is the question that should be first on the lips of any American who has heard of this tragedy. I have to admit that it was my first emotional thought upon hearing of this tragedy yesterday. My next thoughts were a welling anger as I waited to hear why and who had been involved and based on what motive.

Those two questions have now been answered. The who is an American and the why is, he is a "recently converted member of Islam," combined with his hatred of his country, its military and his fellow citizens.

I am so enraged by the thought that someone could do something so hate filled and egregious to these two innocent young men. And yet to think, here once again is yet another example of what the true meaning of the supposed religion of peace really means, when examined.

When it comes to Islam there is no peace and their is no love for these radicals, only hatred and anger and the senseless murder of any who oppose them and their version of God. This is the religion that people are afraid of offending in this country. This is the religion that no one is allowed to speak of in light of the actions of its members. This is the religion that we as Americans are told to observe as peaceful and abide by the fact that not all Muslims are representative of the few. Yet this is the same religion that its other members never speak up against or out against, when its members commit atrocities. Regardless of how murderous the actions of their brothers in the faith, rank and file Muslims never react with any sense of outrage against senseless murder.

And as a result once again, we have death and mayhem on our doorstep and at least one innocent young man is dead at the hands of a religious ideologue and American Muslim jihadist.

As an almost side note in the news reports this morning, this individual had recently traveled to Yemen to receive his Muslim radical indoctrination and was supposedly under investigation by the FBI.

I wonder how all that is coming along.

1 comment:

Lewis said...

Why is this not surprising?