Wednesday, June 03, 2009

A Partisan Hack & The Whole Package

So which is it Harry? Do we have the whole package here as you said here? Or are you just demonstrating that affable ability possessed by elder statesmen of the party like yourself? That ability to do as you are told by the party and its socialist ideology and to hell with reading the particulars or the fine print when it comes to demonstrating any judgment or leadership.

This is arguably laughable, if it weren't so deadly serious. Talk about blatant partisanship and the closed minded debate of liberals. Their passing pork filled bills that never get read pales in comparison to the egregiousness of this.

This woman stands to be the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States? and Senate majority leader Reid is on the one hand all smiles with the adoring media and talking about the whole package of Sonia Sotomayor. And later on? His true political colors and absent interest in the entire subject matter are revealed for all to see.

Harry Reid is a hack and he needs to be sent packing and defeated in the 2010 midterms. America deserves better than this partisan hack.


XtnYoda said...

Reid must be in trouble in Nevada for BHO to take time out to go to Nevada to campaign and raise money for him... must be in big trouble.

We can only hope.

Prime said...

I believe that he and Pelosi may be in trouble. Let's hope so.