Monday, September 21, 2009

Dancing on The Head of a Pin

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? I don't know, but I know how many presidents can dance on one. And Obama is clearly dancing to his own drummer and dictating to the media what he will and what he won't discuss and talk about as evidenced by these two exchanges with George Stephanoploulis Sunday.

He also once again seeks to lecture Stephanopoulis.

And then to turn around and not only admit that he hasn't been paying much attention to the ACORN fiasco? But to say that "frankly, it's not even something that I have followed closely" and "I didn't even know that ACORN was gettin (sp) a whole lot of federal money."

IMO? This smacks of far worse elitism than his statement at the Saddleback church debate where he said that making judgements concerning abortion were above his pay grade.

"George....this is not the biggest issue facing the country and it's not something that I am paying a lot of attention to."

That says it all folks. The man refuses to hear the people and he refuses to be questioned by the media on any of his proposals. And on top of that? He states categorically what he has determined to be important and focused on. Therefore, the voice of the people and even a complicit media have no business questioning him beyond what he came to talk about.

The man's hubris knows no bounds.

1 comment:

Bailey Bonds said...

He is a piece of work ain't he.