Tuesday, September 22, 2009

McCrystal Unanswered

After listening to several morning radio personalities discussing the issue of Afghanistan and Obama's inaction this morning, I returned home from my morning activities to see what I could find on the internet concerning the war in Afghanistan and any new position statements from the White House or actions by the president.

What was I looking for? Specifically...... what if any media scrutiny was being exerted on the president, for his having failed to address General McCrystal's report on Afghanistan for over a month now.

As I expected, with the exception of Rush Limbaugh's program and web page, the MSM is by and large mute on the issue of Afghanistan and the president's having sat on the general's report for almost a month now.

The problem as Limbaugh aptly pointed out on his program, is that General McCrystal submitted his Afghanistan assessment to the president on August 30th. That was before Obama's Labor day vacation to Martha's Vinyard and it has now been almost a month since he received the report. In the interim, the president has focused almosted exclusively on his health care reform attempts and completely excluded any serious scrutiny or evaluation of what is happening in Afghanistan or the general's report for that matter.

General McCrystal (as most will recall) was hand picked by Obama to replace the then Afghanistan commanding general in theater. Seems the former commanding general's version of the war and what was needed, obviously clashed with the president's goals and objectives, therefore, a fresh perspective was in order for Obama. What was that former general's name by the way? Who cares.... as the president has already wrecked that general's career and besides, some historian will give the fallen general his due note and reference as time passes. But in the interim, we have all been waiting with great anticipation of seeing and hearing what the new commander (General McCrystal) would have to say about the whole affair in Afghanistan.

Which apparently? Could best be summed up with the old retort of one Oliver Hardy to one Stan Laurel........"well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."

I don't know what General McCrystal expected out of this assignment, aside fro his third star, but it appears now via back channel information, that he has had about all that he intends to stomach from his commander in chief and his waffling. Rumor has it, that General McCrystal is prepared to resign if the president doesn't go along with his recommendations for more troops soon.

If I were the general? I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting on the president who made a career in the US and Illinois senate voting present, to make any worthwhile judgement or decision on Afghanistan. The president has to be told by his handlers what he thinks anyway and that could take several more weeks or months. They are the real shadow government controlling this president anyway. And they have been chomping at the bit since the day that he won the election to just pull the pin and walk away from Afghanistan and Iraq.

That is what they want. They want to turn tale and run and finalize their coup de etat by declaring an end to it all and then by placing all blame on George Bush.

But it won't be that simple. The American people are watching and they know who and what is and has been responsible for Iraq and Afghanistan and they know that there was a reason and purpose behind our sacrifices there. We have lost close to 5000 good American sons and daughters and husbands and wives fighting these wars. And the American people will require more to show for it than to have their loved ones branded as nothing more than the price of someone's sad mistake and political football.

Most people are aware that Afghanistan was just a hair's breath away from being won when George Bush left office. All that was required was for the proper leadership and support, commitment from congress and the material to support our troops in theater and the Taliban could have been driven into the ground and defeated permanently and quickly.

But our president has seen fit to insure that will not happen now. Just as he has seen fit to sit on his hands and ride out the weeks since general McCrystal gave him the report with the details of what is needed to end this thing and get our people home.

But this president isn't interested in mundane military trivialities. He has never cared for the price of freedom from the beginning and nothing has changed now that he is the commander in chief.. Much like his predecessor Bill Clinton, he sees the military as a necessary evil at best and a waste of money that he could better spend creating his socialist utopia.

The people are watching mr. president.

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