Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Returns

Bill Clinton speaks of vast, right-wing conspiracy

Barack Obama and those on his team may have been the one's to first envisioned never letting a good crisis go to waste? But the Clinton's were and remain way ahead of the curve when it comes to the democratic past time of demon branding their political adversaries.

It's 1999 and Bill Clinton is being pummeled by accusations of his illicit affair with a White House intern, and his wife raises the specter of the vast right wing conspiracy. A sinister grouping of adversaries whose sole purpose is to destroy his presidency.

We all know what followed, including his squinty eyed blustering and finger pointing at the camera to attempt and deny the accusations. Remember? Back when he looked America straight in the eye and lied his ass off. "I never had sexual relations with that woman......Ms. Lewinski."

But that was then, this is now. What does the present have to do with the past? Enter one Bill Clinton (democrat fallen patriarch) to explain it to us little people all too well. Barack Obama is now on the receiving end of that same vast right wing conspiracy that attacked Bill! The same people are literally out to destroy his presidency! The same one's that came after Bill!

I wonder? Are conspiracies like other elements and forces in the universe? Are there always equal and opposing forces and entities at work as Issac Newton suggested? Certainly there must be. Have we not just spent eight years watching the democrats and their "vast left wing conspiracy?" Engage in the exact same thing and do all in its power to destroy George Bush?

Is there really any difference between then and now? I mean aside from the outright lies and open attempts at smearing Bush in their seething attempts to bring him down, what difference is there.

But suddenly Bill Clinton would like us to believe that there is some uniquely sinister force afoot. A force whose entire purpose in life is to seemingly smear and debilitate an otherwise good and moral man. Here's a clue.....there are no good or moral men (or women) in politics today. Just look around and try and prove me wrong.

To achieve the office of the presidency in America, one must have long ago forfeited their spine, character and morals and made their deals with the devil.

But it is amusing to see one who was literally the charlatan's charlatan, attempting to broad brush the background and the foreground on behalf of the one who both toppled and ended the Clinton dynasty in American politics.

Politics truly does make for strange bed fellows.

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