President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
In a word? Bogus! That was the first word that popped into my head in the wee hours of the morning as I awoke to the news of the messianic one having been given the Nobel Peace prize. Of course all of the headlines blare of how he has "won it", but please riddle me this....what has he done to win it? What has anyone done to win it over the past thirty odd years.
The Nobel Peace prize is nothing that is won. It is simply given. And it is nothing more than the door prize awarded by the collective thinking of anti American Marxist and communist around the world. It has absolutely less than nothing to do with the origins of its original inception or concept. The prize is nothing more than a booby prize awarded by the anti west, anti capitalism, anti democracy cabal of Marxist communist dissidents and their dregs in academia.
Alfred Nobel may have been inspired to leave his estate as a penitence for his sins of invention, but surely the management of the Nobel trust long ago lost its bearing and purpose in the world. The prize is now given to those of least qualification and the most dubious of accomplishment IMO.
I recognized when Yasser Arafat was given the prize years ago, that the entire purpose and stature of the award was forever more tarnished and pointless. How could you give a peace prize to one of the world's most prominent terrorist leaders and then claim that it was awarded based upon his efforts to promote peace. The same is true with Obama's selection IMO.
Unless they intend to rename it the Nobel Appeasement prize? Then would someone please explain to me Obama's qualifications for being given it? According to old Alfred's qualifiers? The prize should be awarded based upon the following "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
Well let's see shall we.....How is Obama's fraternity of nations project going? It looks to me like the only fraternity that he has established, is a furtherance of hate and dislike of America amongst the other countries of the world. All those countries except those that we should be pushing away from, are curiously looking at us as if we have gone mad. Meanwhile our enemies chuckle and the two other super powers are forming closer bonds and building toward the day when they will join forces against us.
As for the abolishing of standing armies? I believe that the American military is the only one presently in danger of being abolished. If we aren't first conquered or completely devastated by the coming war. But I thought this was a peace prize? Isn't this about working toward peace? And just how is that all going to play out in the near future, after Barack Obama has lost the war in Afghanistan, seen to it that several thousand more of America's youth are slaughtered and then retreated from Iraq.
Is that how it is done? Is that how you win the vaunted Nobel Peace prize in it's present incarnation? Simply trade your country's future and the liberty of a nation on the alter of fascist idealism, masquerading as chic socialism? But are these stated criteria really the honest criteria for selection? I think not.
I think as I have for over thirty years now....the Nobel Peace prize has nothing to do with peace and everything to do with anti Americanism and the pursuit of Marxist goals. And anyone who fails to see or recognize those realities is either an abject liar or moronically stupid.
Revel in the Glory messiah! For as the weeks and months pass by, the shine of your tin prize will be further dulled and revealed as the sham that it truly represents. (for those capable of seeing.)
Obama's fame is fastly fading, so his buddies in socialist Europe have decided to prop him up a bit with their supposedly prestigious Nobel award. All together now ladies and gentlemen, applause is in order. Our messiah has reached another mile stone.
President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the Norwegian Nobel Committee said, citing his outreach to the Muslim world and attempts to curb nuclear proliferation.
How fitting and ridiculous...........
Hale! Caesar approaches!
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