Escape from New York
New Yorkers are fleeing the state and city in alarming numbers -- and costing a fortune in lost tax dollars, a new study shows.
More than 1.5 million state residents left for other parts of the United States from 2000 to 2008, according to the report from the Empire Center for New York State Policy. It was the biggest out-of-state migration in the country.
The vast majority of the migrants, 1.1 million, were former residents of New York City -- meaning one out of seven city taxpayers moved out.
"The Empire State is being drained of an invaluable resource -- people," the report said.
Over the past eight years, an odd phenomenon has been occurring in the Empire state. The people are leaving and they are apparently leaving in droves. But the real story is why they are leaving and who is leaving. (It's the tax payers!)
New York state and New Your city have lost over 1.1 million residents in the past eight years, (primarily from New York city.) But the most significant reality of that loss, is that those leaving are taking their wealth and their tax base with them. And that is a sizable slice of the big apple's pie. And the few new arrivals who are moving to New York are not making up the loss to New York's tax base.
New York State is down over 4.3 billion dollars in tax revenue as a result and that figure is only getting worse by the day. Remember, the present governor of New York (David Paterson) has been engaged in the standard liberal tax and spend mentality that has gripped Washington and other democrat strong holds in other cities since he first took over the office.
Mayor Paterson was one of the first to propose new and additional taxes on New Yorkers.
How's that working by the way? See for yourself: Tax the Rich? How's That Working?
The bottom line, in the midst of the worst recession in three generations (if not ever,) the democrats are continuing to use the same dog eared socialist tax and spend play book. Tax and spend is all they know, they certainly can't seem to create wealth. They wrap the same stale socialist hype in a new wrapper and they call it something else but it is the same socialist crap. They threaten the people with fear tactics in order to justify raising taxes, but the end result remains the same, their only solutions are always to first raise taxes and then claim that they have to have more.
When governments at both the state and federal level should be reining in their spending and trimming their expenditures and reducing their budgets legitimately and earnestly? They are continuing to do the same things that have caused the crisis to begin with and the red ink and insolvency that they (and we) are all facing. And worse than that, these arrogant and abusive liberal socialist tax policies are strangling our cities and states and the people are fleeing them in record numbers. And for damn good cause and reason IMO.
There are a number of analogies that come immediately to my mind, not the least of which is counting your chickens before they hatch. Liberals are always at the top of their game when it comes to spending other people's money, they just can't ever seem to figure out how to expand a tax base without raising taxes and destroying it. And what about adding killing the golden geese and the quest for the golden fleece to that liberal mentality? They certainly know how to do both of those.
Meanwhile......it looks like many of the geese being fleeced have been taking note and they are fleeing the state of New York and the fleecing that they have been taking in the city of New York.
New York won't see these people again if ever. They have seen the writing on the wall and they have decided to cut their losses and move on while they still can. Which means that New York's loss will ultimately be someone else's gain.
But in the mean time, there remain lessons to be learned from the heresy that continues unabated in New York. How different are the circumstances in California right now? Or in many other larger states for that matter. How many other liberal democrats are planning on cooking your goose and carving it up permanently in the near future.
As this recession continues, look for the liberals to want to turn the screws that much tighter on taxation, while the smart people will continue to vote with their shoes and move away in droves. America is being fleeced by socialism and New York is a prime example of what is in store for the rest of us under Obama's and Pelosi's tutelage.
I wonder how comfortable everyone is with the change now......
1 comment:
We had the situation in Little Rock just a few years ago where a Clinton appointed federal judge, Susan W. Wright, actually ruled against a highway widening project between LR and a bedroom community because... ready for this... because the people in the bedroom community had fled the stuff going on in LR... therefore the judge ruled against improving the highway to their town.
The highway did get widened in spite of her efforts to stall the project.
Too funny.
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