Escalation: White House Tries to Exclude Fox From Press Pool Interview
There was a point a week ago after the White House began its first attacks on Fox News, when it might have been considered amusing to watch. Now it is now. When the White House led by this president can even attempt to stifle media coverage of this administration on any level...... that is a serious transgression of our basic freedoms in my estimation.
And the American media and the American people should be standing up and collectively shouting ...."like hell you do! We won't stand still for that!" It is literally unimaginable to me, that an act as egregious as this could even occur, much less that it has been given less than casual lip service in the media by any agency other than Fox since it occurred.
To their credit, the rest of the White House media Pool immediately balked and refused to participate if Fox was to be excluded.
The White House sent out an alert today to the press pool that "Pay Czar" Kenneth Feinberg would be doing a press availability— a round robin with the major news networks, in which Fox is customarily included. The administration specified that everyone was invited except Fox News, according to Bret Baier on "Special Report" tonight.
The press pool, acting in the interest of its members, admirably stood up to the White House bullying. All the other networks declared that if Fox was not getting an interview, they would not be conducting interviews. The White House responded by cutting Feinberg's time with the networks from five minutes to two minutes.
Even so, the White House continued to press its arrogance in dealings with the media in the pool by cutting the time allotted for their precious Czar to be made available to media for questions. And that was done in retaliation against their favored liberal media pool.
Ladies and gentlemen? There is something very very wrong going on inside the Obama administration. From their attempts to isolate and control media at their whim, to White House officials openly bragging about how they have successfully manipulated media to their own advantage since last years election. To their going on national Sunday programs to basically admit their prejudices and declare so what when questioned about it.
While there may be those who are presently considered alarmist and even conspiracist as it concerns this administration, the reality of what is going on in this administration and how business in being conducted by this White House is inescapable. And the sense that we have a renegade administration, answerable to no one except the approved elect of liberal socialist elitism is palpable IMO.
The media polls today reflect that this president has lost more public support faster than any previous president of the past fifty years. In light of this administration's treatment of the press and the White House attempts to isolate and control all information concerning this president and his policies? Is there really any doubt that he apparently could care less what main stream liberal press has to say about him. His focus and concern is obvious centered on Fox and as obvioused by the past week, he intends to demonize Fox and deny them any opportunity to participate in day to day reporting on this White house.
There are many parallels and analogies that can be draw to the history of the 1930's IMO, but I will leave those analogies to my readers to sort through and assign value to on their own. Never the less, the people of this country had better begin to stand up and defend their freedoms and they have better start doing it very soon IMO, or else we may soon wake up to a literal "coup de etat" of all freedom of the press.
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