Friday, October 30, 2009

No never means no to a democrat

Health Care Businesses at Risk in House Bill

It is amazing to me to say the least, as I watch the writhing beast that we know as congress, as it continues to wrestle against the will of the American people. Democrats are famous for asserting that the will of the people must be listened to and that the majority of Americans should have their wishes and desires listened to in Washington. But give the democrats the opportunity and the ability? And give them the chance to pass legislation that they are after, in order to hammer some new socialist give away through congress and into law? And they simply refuse to take no for an answer. The people be damned.

In poll after poll and in report after report over the past three months, the American people have spoken their will and preference on the Obama health care proposals. "We don't want it. We are perfectly happy with what we have, now leave it and us alone."

But neither president Obama nor his loyal minions in congress are paying attention to what the people want. The are continuing to pursue their socialist agenda and they are pursuing it with a vengeance. They are going to pass their version of "affordable health care" one way or the other and America had just better get over it as far as they are concerned.

Have a look at this.

Democrats hope to vote next week on the measure, which would extend health coverage to tens of millions of Americans who don't have it, impose sweeping new restrictions on private insurers and create a government-run insurance plan to compete with them.

This bill was dead on arrival with the American people weeks ago, but Pelosi and Reid refuse to allow it to die. They continue to pump life into it and they continue to re-write it and re-work it every day and week after week. And the amazing thing about it? What gets cut out of the bill today? Seems to mysteriously re-appear later as it is re-worked once again by the madame of congress.

Among the industries targeted in the bill are medical device makers -- one of the few that failed to cut an early behind-the-scenes deal with Obama and Democrats to help pay for an overhaul. The House added $20 billion in taxes on sales of medical devices like artificial hips and heart stents to the legislation Democratic leaders unveiled Thursday.

That's more than the industry wants to pay, but it's a substantial reprieve from an earlier plan in the Senate to slap a $40 billion fee on medical device makers. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has agreed to slash the fee, in part to win cooperation from fence-sitting Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana.

And as you wade through the reports of the most current version of this bill, it would seem that those in the medical industry targeted by Pelosi's taxes, have just given up and accepted the fact that they are going to be taxed into oblivion by this legislation. And in my opinion there is a reason for the fact that they have given up. They have known all along that they are not going to pay it if they lose.

Regardless of the amount of additional taxes crated to burden the industry to pay for this latest slice of socialist Nirvana, those in the industry realize that all they have to do is simply pass the costs along to the consumer.

Therefore, that hip replacement that you or a loved one may require after this bill passes? Well get ready to pony up and pay that tax when you go to have the surgery. The insurance companies certainly aren't going to pay for it. As a matter of fact? There is yet another example of how this bill has become like some Medusa head. Regardless of how much gets cut away, it simply re-spawns more of the same as time passes. And the "public option" is once again in the Pelosi bill. Not that it ever really left. It has just been re-worked and re-entered for the madame's pleasure. And there it is once again. So once this bill is passed and all these hidden taxes have become law, all these new fees and taxes will be included in the cost of doing health care business in America. And the insurance companies will either pay it? Or go out of business.

My bet is that most of them will go out of business on the health care end and simply re-tool themselves into commercial liability carriers. Which leaves us (Americans) with what? The government option?

That is precisely the way I see it and the vicious circle and cycle of socialism continues. The socialists like Pelosi and the rests see it as a simple issue of continuing to tax the "evil rich" (code words for the middle class) to pay for their dream of continuing to propel their socialist class struggle. They have never considered the fact that they are killing the golden goose that has paid for and propelled this nation to prosperity for 200 years. all they know is that other people have the money and the ability to pay for their dream scape world of socialist nirvana and they damn well are not going to allow the opportunity to claim what is their to pass.

Happy days America! You are about to enter into the greatness of the largest lie ever perpetrated against this nation. And you will pay for every ounce of it. At least until you are bled completely dry. And then you will truly understand the costs of living in a socialist dream world.

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