Monday, December 06, 2010

Obama's "Sputnik moment"

This is what our president had to say today, while visiting North Carolina's "Research Triangle.

The list of American innovations that have changed life on Earth is practically endless, but President Obama is trying to inspire America's next technological wave by referring back to a 50-year-old achievement by a defunct nation -- Sputnik.

The president, visiting North Carolina's Research Triangle Monday, called on businesses and lawmakers to help America achieve the next "Sputnik moment" -- referring to the Soviets' 1957 launch of an Earth-orbiting satellite which amped up the space race, led to the creation of NASA and was effectively rebutted when the United States put a man, or several of them, on the moon.

"That was a wake-up call," Obama said. "Once we put our minds to it, once we got focused, once we got unified, not only did we surpass the Soviets -- we developed new American technologies, industries and jobs."

And rightfully so the question being asked is "What's wrong with this picture?"

Apparently? We have come a long way since John Kennedy's "ask not what your country can do for you" moment. Apparently this president believes the way to inspire American technology, is to tell our scientists and creators of new technologies, to 'just copy the Soviet model."

This is getting more bizarre by the day. And the American media sits and watches and continues to give the man a pass on everything. And his defenders leap every time any thing he does is questioned and immediately begin scream how unfair it is to question him period.

Mean while earlier today? Big Sis Napolitano had revealed her new partnership with WalMart. To 'watch over us and give us the states subliminal messages while we are in the checkout line.'

Stranger than fiction? You had better believe it. Problem is? It's all coming true.

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