Sunday, December 05, 2010

The World Held Hostage

Some might say that it is impossible to hold the world hostage. short of some science fiction script where aliens invade and overtake our minds. But that is precisely what is presently happening, according to news reports released this morning. The world is being held hostage.

And the most intriguing part of this news? One man, Julian Assange, is in the midst of accomplishing something that here to fore has never even been attempted. The blackmailing of the world.

Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, has circulated across the internet an encrypted “poison pill” cache of uncensored documents suspected to include files on BP and Guantanamo Bay.
One of the files identified this weekend by The Sunday Times — called the “insurance” file — has been downloaded from the WikiLeaks website by tens of thousands of supporters, from America to Australia.
Assange warns that any government that tries to curtail his activities risks triggering a new deluge of state and commercial secrets.
Literally, the ultimate blackmail. If the world doesn't bow to this psychopath's views of his rights of freedom to do as he damn well pleases, then he will wreck the entire world by releasing a Dooms Day file that promises to be damning across the board and involve apparently most every nation on the planet, to one degree or another.

So, is there anyone else still out there who still believes that all of this is the culmination of one lowly US Army PFC and his disenchantment with the military? Does anyone seriously still believe that this 22 year old patsy is solely responsible as the source for the entirety of the nuclear 'logic bombs' now poised at the throat of the world?

I for one don't think so.

And while the debate ranges on, the damage has apparently already been done. The file is out there in a 256 bit encryption format that is supposedly unbreakable. Yet all it takes is one word, a password to activate and unlock Pandora's Box. And can't you just see western media sitting there salivating like the jackals they are. Waiting for the bag of stench to be ripped open so they can feast.

I would be very interested to see what is presently going on at Langley in virginia. And behind the closed doors at 1600 Pennsylvania and 10 Downing and at their counterparts secret rooms all across the world. Not to know their secrets, but just to watch their reactions as they attempt to create the ultimate impossible missions force to counter this threat.

I can only imagine that our enemies in the world are sitting back and laughing their asses off. As they would never have entrusted that much information to any one entity or group. Yet here America sits. As we scramble around inside the fenced in dilemma of our own making, madly trying to hold up our britches with one hand, while trying to fend off this little man Assange, who is trying to pull them all the way down (and succeeding).

If the American government were functioning as it should be, with capable leadership, Julian Assange would either be knocking on Osama Bin Ladin's cave and applying for the room mate wanted ad, or he would be taking the celestial dirt nap right now.

The world has secrets, not the least of which are those secrets that can and will lead to a lot of people's death, if the blackmailer Assange is allowed to continue as a free man.

I would say that America and this president had better be pulling out all stops to bring this nightmare to a quick end, but then I realize that this nightmare is one that was purposely created by those we would have expected to protect us from schemes like these to begin with.

So there you have it. How long before Julian Assange drops his one big load? How long before the password is issued and everything in the Dooms Day file is revealed? There is no way of knowing, other than to recognize the reality that once a secret has been revealed to exist, it is only a matter of time before it must be revealed in its entirety.

The world waits and the blade inches ever closer to the throat.


XtnYoda said...

I think I know the password...



six sixty six

Prime said...

I believe that you may be right Chuck....