Saturday, December 18, 2010

So now you know. Fox viewers dumber than the rest

Well there you have it. The numbers are in and it seems that Fox New Viewers are dumber than bricks. While the most informer? Well they watch MSNBC, PBS and evening network news channels.

I would never have guess that I was suffering from intellectual stagnation without a survey like this to slap me back to reality. Now, in other news, Fox news is often cited as the "most biased news" reporting in the industry. Presumably, that is based upon truth being a known bias when compared to the liberal tilt and spin of those like MSNBC and PBS et al.

Study: Fox News Viewers Misunderstand Issues More than Others

Fox News Channel viewers were more likely to misunderstand a host of issues and subjects during this fall’s election season than people who relied more on other news sources such as MSNBC, PBS and the network evening newscasts, according to a study just released by the University of Maryland.

To be clear, the study doesn’t say FNC or any other TV news organization deliberately fed misinformation to its viewers. Instead, the study attempted to assess the ability of members of FNC’s audience, and others, to process or understand information correctly.

As a result, the study concluded that, when issues were misunderstood, they were misunderstood most of the time by a greater percentage of the FNC audience than any other group.

The findings were so unflattering to FNC’s audience that one of the channel’s top execs fired back at the university in a New York Times story:

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