Friday, September 30, 2011

America: "has gotten a little soft."

Is there any better example of hubris?

Searching for words, the president lets slip a significant piece of his reality during this interview. And that reality speaks volumes in my opinion. There is absolutely no association or connection made by his mind, that America's downward spiral competitively and economically, has anything at all to do with policy. Especially not his policy.

No mention of NAFTA or the myriad of federal regulations or EPA decrees that have been enacted to hobble and destroy industry after industry in this country over the last twenty years. No mention of the polices that he has enacted, or the other policies that are looming to be enacted, especially his environmental policies. No, none of that. Obama's simple revelation is that America has gone soft, no more, no less. Therefore if you are looking to assign blame? Assign it there.

That's what comes to his mind. And to think, that this is just a peak in the mind of what he must really think as it concerns this country and it's people. I would imagine, he actually believes that we as a nation are precisely where he and others want to see us at this juncture in time and he as his regime are quite content to continue to witness and steer that demise toward oblivion.

So....Let's recap the Obama presidency to date.  First everything was Bush's fault, then everything was congress' fault and now? Everything is America's fault. But it certainly isn't Barack Obama's fault.

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