Tuesday, September 06, 2011

"And that's my official position"

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman makes it pretty clear that she has absolutely no intention of answering the question or addressing what was said by Jimmy Hoffa Jr. as a lead in speaker to President Obama's labor day rally speech in Michigan this weekend.

And she makes it perfectly clear that she isn't going to "focus on the language." So this is the civility that this administration and their minions have repeatedly attempted to refocus their opposition to? Yet no sooner than they speak of civility and call for common decency in discourse, they are right back to their old Saul Alinsky playbook of demonizing their opposition at the first opportunity. After which, they want to stand there blank faced and annoyed that anyone might actually take notice of their hipocrisy. Or worse, that others might actually take exception to it.

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