Friday, September 23, 2011

On last nights debate

Before I delve into the days news and other issues, last night's GOP debate should be examined briefly. Who do I think won? In all fairness, no one won. The debate last night wasn't about winning. The debate was about going after the acknowledged front runner and pushing the media desired candidate as opposed to the one doing the best in the polls. Everything else was smoke and mirrors and designed solely for those two purposes. Two debates ago, Newt Gingrich hit the nail squarely on the head when he saw the game being played by the media. The game is to get the candidates to publicly fighting and to turn the entire debates into some media controlled spectacle. Even Rick Santorum noted last night that he wondered who would ultimately prevail, after Perry and Romney have pummeled themselves into oblivion. In the mean time the people suffer, as there is no serious attempt to show the people who the best leader potentially is. These debates are media orchestrated and they are not informative. Rather than seeing the candidates showcase their proposed platforms and leadership skills, what we are seeing is a choreographed street fight. And everyone of the GOP candidates is going along with it aside from Gingrich. Having watched all of these debates so far, my opinion is that all that has been accomplished to date, is to cause me to sour on everyone one of them save Gingrich and I like his positions on calling out the media for their contrived circus more than anything else. If I want to watch fights, I will tune in the WWA or MMA on cable. I am interested in hearing fresh ideas and seeing people demonstrate their records and leadership skills. I am not interested in sitting through these bashings and cut throat gotcha questions and cute quips. This is our future these people are discussing and it is important to me. Stop the staged drama and stick to the problem of getting this country moving again. Or else concede another four years to the present administration.

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