Thursday, September 01, 2011

Alan West has had enough

I guess I could say: "well, that didn't take long now did it." But then again, I have asked myself from the beginning, why Alan West would have even considered joining the Congressional Black Caucus. The obvious answer would seem to be, that he is black and they are black and therefore, it is like a built in club for newly elected blacks in congress. So, let's see what Allen had to say. West demands apology
In response to recent comments made by Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters that denigrate the tea party movement, Florida Republican Rep. Allen West — a member of both the Congressional Black Caucus and the Tea Party Caucus — sent a letter to CBC Chairman Emanuel Cleaver Wednesday requesting that the body condemn such remarks. “As Chairman of the CBC, I believe it is incumbent on you to both condemn these types of hate-filled comments, and to disassociate the Congressional Black Caucus from these types of remarks. Otherwise, I will have to seriously reconsider my membership within the organization,” West wrote. (OPINION: Andre Carson: Serial racebaiter) The freshman congressman declared, “It is unconscionable when a fellow CBC Member, Congressman Andre Carson, comes to South Florida and claims that some in the Tea Party would love to see black Americans ‘hanging on a tree.’ It is appalling to hear another CBC colleague, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, say ‘The Tea Party can go straight to hell.’”
Seems pretty clear to me and rightfully so. But it still begs the question, "why would he have joined in the first place?" It seems to me that a conservative black man joining the CBC is akin to a Jew joining the Nazi party, or a black person joining the Klan. Either way Rep West would have to know going in that the CBC has absolutely no use for his way of thinking and that they would do all in their power to ostracize him. Which they seem to have accomplished.

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